Gospel of Luke_Chapter 14

On the Sabbath, Jesus went to eat at the house of a leader o...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 13

At that moment, someone told Jesus about Pilate mixing the b...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 11

Jesus prayed in one place. After praying, a disciple said to...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 12

At this moment, tens of thousands of people gathered togethe...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 10

After this, the Lord appointed seventy more men and sent two...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 8

Not long after, Jesus traveled around various cities and tow...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 9

Jesus summoned twelve disciples and gave them power and auth...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 7

After Jesus had finished speaking all these words to the peo...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 6

On one Sabbath, Jesus passed through the wheat fields. His d...

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 5

Jesus stood by the lake of Genesareth, and the crowd crowded...