
Gospel of Luke_Chapter 6

On one Sabbath, Jesus passed through the wheat fields. His disciples pinched the ears of wheat and rubbed them with their hands to eat.

Some of the Pharisees said, “Why do you do things that cannot be done on the Sabbath?”?

Jesus said to them, Have you not even read what David and his followers did when they were hungry, as it is written in the scriptures?

How did he enter the temple of God, take shewbread and eat it, and give it to those who followed him. This cake is not to be eaten by anyone except the priest.

And he said to them, The Son of Man is the Lord of the Sabbath.

On another Sabbath, Jesus entered the synagogue and taught. There was a person whose right hand had dried up.

The scribes and Pharisees spied on Jesus and healed him on the Sabbath. We need to sue him with a handle.

But Jesus knew their thoughts. Just say to the person with a withered hand, get up and stand in the middle. That person stood up and stood up.

Jesus said to them, “I ask you, is it lawful to do good and evil on the Sabbath, to save and harm lives?”?

He looked around at all of them and said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.”. He extended his hand and it returned to its original state.

They were filled with great anger and consulted with each other on how to deal with Jesus.

At that time, Jesus went out to pray on the mountain. Pray to God all night.

At dawn, call his disciples. Select twelve people from among them and call them apostles.

These twelve were Simon, whom Jesus named Peter, his brother Andrew, James and John, Philip and Bartholomew,

Matthew and Thomas, James the son of Alphaeus, and Simon the Zealot,

Judah, the son of Jacob, and Judas Iscariot, the seller.

Jesus and them went down the mountain and stood on a flat ground. Many disciples and a large number of people came from all the land of Judea, Jerusalem, and the sea of Tyre and Sidon. Everyone should listen to him preach and hope to cure their illness.

Those who have been haunted by evil spirits have also received treatment.

Everyone wanted to touch him. Because he had the ability to extract it from him and cured them.

Jesus looked up at his disciples and said, Blessed are you who are poor. Because the kingdom of God belongs to you.

Blessed are you who are hungry. Because you will be full. Blessed are you who mourn. Because you will be laughing happily.

If the Son of Man hates you, rejects you, insults you, and abandons your name, thinking it is evil, then you are blessed.

On that day, you shall jump with joy. Because your reward in heaven is great. Their ancestors treated the prophets the same way.

But you wealthy people are in trouble. Because you have received your comfort.

Woe to you who are full. Because you will be hungry. Woe to those of you who like to laugh. Because you will mourn and cry.

When people say you are good, you are in trouble. Because their ancestors treated false prophets the same way.

But I tell you who listen, your enemies should love them, and those who hate you should treat them well.

Bless those who curse you, and pray for those who insult you.

Someone hit your side in the face, even the other side in the face. Someone has taken your outer garment, even your inner garment.

Give it to anyone who asks you. Someone is taking your things away, there’s no need to take them back.

You should treat people the same way you want them to treat you.

If you only love the person who loves you, what is there to thank? Even sinners love those who love them.

If you treat those who treat you well, what reward do you have? Even sinners do the same.

If you lend to someone and hope to recover it from them, what reward do you have? Even if a sinner lends to a sinner, it must be returned in full.

Love your enemies, treat them well, and lend without expecting repayment. Your reward will be great, and you will be the sons of the Most High. Because he treats the ungrateful and the wicked with kindness.

Be merciful, just as your father is merciful.

Do not judge people, then you will not be judged. Do not condemn anyone, and you will not be convicted. If you forgive people, you will be forgiven. (Forgive the original release)

If you want to give to someone, there must be something for you. And with a full lifting bucket, shaking and pressing repeatedly, pour it into your arms with a sharp tip and a downward flow. Because with what measuring instrument you use to measure people, you will also be measured with what measuring instrument you use.

Jesus also spoke to them in parables, saying, Can the blind lead the blind? Will not both of them fall into the pit?

Students cannot surpass their teachers. Those who have learned are just like their teachers.

Why do you see thorns in your brother’s eyes, but don’t you want beams in your own eyes?

You don’t see any beams in your own eyes. How can you say to your brothers, let me remove the thorn from your eyes? You hypocrite, first remove the beam from your own eye, then you can see clearly and remove the thorn from your brother’s eye.

Because no good tree bears bad fruit. No bad tree bears good fruit.

Every tree can be recognized by its fruit. People don’t pick figs from thorns, nor do they pick them from thorns?? Pick grapes inside.

A good person emits good from the good that is stored in his heart. The wicked man emits evil from the evil stored in his heart. Because the heart is full, speak it out.

Why do you call me Lord, Lord, but do not follow my words?

Whoever comes to me and hears my words and goes ahead, I will tell you what kind of person he looks like.

He is like a person building a house, digging deep into the ground, and laying his foundation on a rock. When there is a flood, the water rushes over the house and it cannot shake. Because the foundation stands on a rock. There are ancient scrolls because the covers are well made

Only those who hear but do not act are like a person building a house on land without a foundation. The water rushed and immediately collapsed, and the house was very damaged.

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