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Gospel of Luke_Chapter 8

Not long after, Jesus traveled around various cities and towns, preaching the gospel of th…

Not long after, Jesus traveled around various cities and towns, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God. There were twelve disciples who went with him,

There were also several women who were possessed by evil spirits, burdened by diseases, and had already been cured. Among them was Mary Magdalene, from whom seven demons were driven out.

And Joanna, the wife of Kusa, the ruler of Herod’s household, and Susanna, as well as many other women, provided Jesus and his disciples with their own wealth.

When many people gathered together and some came out of various cities to see Jesus, Jesus spoke in parables,

A sower went out to sow. When it was sown, some fell by the roadside and were trampled on, and the birds of the sky came and ate them up again.

Some fall on the rock and wither as soon as they come out, because they cannot be nourished.

Some fell into the thorns, and the thorns grew together, squeezing them.

There are also those that fall into good soil, which grow and bear fruit a hundred times. Jesus spoke these words and loudly said, “If you have ears to hear, let them be heard.”.

The disciples asked Jesus, “What does this parable mean?”?

He said, The mysteries of the kingdom of God are only known to you. As for others, use metaphors to make them unable to see or hear.

This metaphor is like this. The seed is the way of God.

Those who are by the roadside are those who hear the word, and then the devil comes and takes the word from their hearts, afraid that they will believe and be saved.

Those who are on the rock are those who hear the word and receive it with joy, but have no roots in their hearts. However, for the time being, they believe that when they encounter trials, they will retreat.

The one that falls among the thorns is the one who, upon hearing the word, walks away and is squeezed by the thoughts, wealth, and pleasures of this life, unable to bear mature seeds.

Those who fall into good soil are those who listen to the word, hold onto an honest and kind heart, and endure and bear fruit.

No one lit a lamp and covered it with a vessel or placed it under the bed, but it was placed on a lamp stand, and those who came in saw the light.

Because there is nothing hidden that cannot be hidden. There is nothing hidden that is not revealed and known to others.

So you should be careful how you listen. Because if there is anything, it must be added to him. Whatever he doesn’t have, even what he thinks he has will be taken away.

Jesus’ mother and his brothers came, but due to the crowd, they did not come to him.

Someone told him that your mother and your brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.

Jesus replied, “Those who have heard the word of God and followed it are my mother and my brothers.”.

One day Jesus and his disciples got into a boat and said to them, “Let’s cross over to the other side of the lake.”. They set sail.

While walking, Jesus fell asleep. A sudden storm broke out on the lake, and the ship was about to fill with water, which was very dangerous.

The disciples came and woke him up, saying, Master, Master, we have lost our lives. Jesus woke up and rebuked the strong winds and waves. The wind and waves stopped and calmed down.

Jesus said to them, Where is your faith? They were both afraid and amazed, saying to each other, Who is this on earth? He commanded the wind and water, and even the wind and water obeyed him.

They arrived at the place where the ancient scroll made the Galatians, opposite Galilee.

When Jesus came ashore, a demon possessed man from the city met him, who had been without clothes or living in a house for a long time, only living in the tombs.

When he saw Jesus, he fell down before him and shouted loudly, saying, “Jesus, son of the Most High God, what do I have to do with you?”. Please don’t make me suffer.

Because Jesus had commanded the unclean spirit to come out of that man. It turned out that this ghost had caught him many times, and he was often guarded and bound with iron chains and shackles. He broke the chains and was driven into the wilderness by the ghost.

Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”. He said, my name is Qun. This is because there are many ghosts attached to him.

The demons begged Jesus not to command them to go into the bottomless pit.

There is a large group of pigs eating on the mountain. The demon begged Jesus to allow them to enter the pig. Jesus granted them permission.

The ghost came out of that person and entered the pig. So the group of pigs rushed down the cliff and drowned in the lake.

The pig herder ran away when he saw this and went to tell the people in the city and countryside.

Everyone came out to see what was going on. When they arrived at Jesus, they saw the person from whom the demon had left sitting at his feet, dressed in clothes, and understanding in their hearts. They were afraid.

And those who saw this thing told them how the people possessed by demons were saved.

The people around Grayson were very afraid and begged Jesus to leave them. Jesus then boarded the ship and returned.

The person from whom the ghost left pleaded to be with Jesus. But Jesus sent him back,

Say, go home. Legend has it that God has done great things for you. He went to the whole city to proclaim what great things Jesus had done for him.

When Jesus returned, the crowd welcomed him because they were all waiting for him.

There was a ruler named Jairus who came and fell at Jesus’ feet, begging him to come to his house.

Because he had an only daughter, about twelve years old, who was about to die. When Jesus went, the crowd crowded him.

There was a woman who had been suffering from blood leakage for twelve years and spent all her health care in the hands of a doctor. No one could cure her.

She came behind Jesus and touched his clothes?? Zi, the blood leakage immediately stopped.

Jesus said, Who touched me. Everyone denied it, but Peter and his companions said, Master, everyone is crowded and pressing against you. There are ancient scrolls here. Are you still asking who touched me?

Jesus said, Someone will touch me. Because I feel capable of getting out of me.

The woman, knowing that she could not hide, came trembling and prostrated herself at Jesus’ feet. She spoke out in front of everyone about the reason for touching him and how she had immediately recovered.

Jesus said to her, Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go in peace.

While still speaking, someone came from the house in charge of the synagogue and said, “Your daughter is dead, don’t labor the master.”.

Jesus heard this and said to him, “Don’t be afraid, just believe, and your daughter will be saved.”.

When Jesus arrived at his house, no one except Peter, John, Jacob, and his daughter’s parents were allowed to enter with him.

Everyone mourned and pounded their chests for this daughter. Jesus said, Don’t cry, he is not dead, he is asleep.

They knew that their daughter had died, so they mocked Jesus.

Jesus took her hand and called out, “Daughter, get up.”.

Her soul returned and she immediately got up. Jesus instructed to give her something to eat.

Her parents were very surprised. Jesus charged them not to tell anyone what they had done.


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