
Gospel of Luke_Chapter 14

On the Sabbath, Jesus went to eat at the house of a leader of the Pharisees, and they spied on him.

There is a person in front of him suffering from water dropsy.

Jesus said to the lawyers and the Pharisees, Is it possible to heal on the Sabbath.

But they remained silent. Jesus healed the man and told him to leave.

And he said to them, Who among you has a donkey or an ox that falls into a well on the Sabbath and does not immediately pull him up?

They cannot answer these words.

When Jesus saw that the guests he invited had chosen the first place, he spoke to them in a parable, saying,

You are invited to the wedding banquet, don’t sit in the first place. I’m afraid there may be more distinguished guests than you invited by him.

Then ask your people to come and say to you, give your seat to this one. You shamelessly stepped back to the bottom.

When you are invited, go and sit at the bottom of the table, so that the person who invited you may come and say to you, friend, please sit up. Then you will have glory in front of those at the table.

For anyone who is arrogant will be demoted to inferiority. Those who feel inferior will rise to high.

Jesus also said to those who invited him, Prepare lunch or dinner, and do not invite your friends, brothers, relatives, or wealthy neighbors. I’m afraid they also invited you, and you’ll have to repay them.

When you prepare a banquet, invite the poor, disabled, lame, and blind, and you will be blessed.

Because they have nothing to repay you. When the righteous are resurrected, you will receive a reward.

And when one of the people sitting at the table heard these words, he said to Jesus, Blessed are those who eat in the kingdom of God.

Jesus said to him, “A man made a great feast and invited many guests.”.

When it was time to sit at the table, he sent his servant to say to the person he had invited, “Come, come.”. Everything is ready.

Everyone unanimously declined. The first one said, I bought a piece of land and must go and take a look. Please allow me to resign.

Another one said, I bought five pairs of cows and want to give them a try. Please allow me to resign.

Another one said, I only got married, so I can’t go.

The servant returned and told his master everything about it. The head of the household was angry and said to his servants, “Go out quickly to the streets and alleys of the city, and bring the poor, disabled, blind, and lame.”.

The servant said, Lord, what you have commanded has been done, and there is still a vacant seat.

The master said to his servant, “Go out to the road and the fence, and force someone to come in and fill my room.”.

I tell you, none of the people who were invited before have tasted my feast.

There were many people walking with Jesus. He turned around and said to them,

If anyone comes to me and does not love me more than his parents, wife, children, brothers, sisters, and his own life, he cannot be my disciple. Love me more than hate

Anyone who does not carry their own cross and follow me cannot be my disciple.

Which of you is going to build a building without sitting down and calculating the cost? Can it be completed?

I’m afraid if the foundation is built, it won’t succeed. Everyone who sees it laughs at him,

This person started work but couldn’t finish it.

Or a king who goes out to war with other kings, why not sit down first and consider whether he can use ten thousand soldiers to go against the one who brings twenty thousand soldiers to attack him?

If not, send envoys to seek peace terms while the enemy is still far away.

So, no matter who you are, if you do not leave everything you have, you cannot be my disciples.

Salt is good, but if salt loses its flavor, what can it be called salty again?

Whether used in the field or piled up in dung, it is not appropriate. I had to leave it outside. If you have ears to listen to, you should listen.

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