
Gospel of Luke_Chapter 24

On the first day of the seven days, at dawn, the women came to the grave with the spices they had prepared.

Seeing the stone rolling away from the grave.

They went in, but did not see the body of the Lord Jesus.

Amidst suspicion, two people suddenly stood beside. Clothes emit light.

The women were frightened and lowered their faces to the ground. So those two people said to them, why are we looking for living people among the dead?

He is not here, he has been resurrected. How can I tell you when I remember him still in Galilee,

The Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinners, nailed to the cross, and resurrected on the third day.

And they remembered the words of Jesus,

Then he returned from the grave and told all these things to the eleven apostles and the others.

The ones who told the apostles were Mary Magdalene, Joanna, and Mary the mother of Jacob, as well as the women who were with them.

The apostles thought their words were nonsense, so they didn’t believe them.

Peter got up and ran to the grave. He lowered his head and looked inside. He saw the fine linen cloth alone and went back, feeling amazed at what had happened.

On that day, two of the disciples went to a village called Emmaus, which was about twenty-five miles away from Jerusalem.

They talked to each other about all the things they had encountered.

As they were discussing questioning, Jesus himself approached them and walked with them.

It’s just that their eyes are blurred and they don’t know him.

Jesus said to them, “What is it that you walk and talk to each other about?”? They stood still with a worried expression on their faces.

One of the two, named Gerubah, answered and said, Do you not know what has happened there these days when you are a guest in Jerusalem?

Jesus said, What is it? They said, It is about Jesus the Nazarene. He is a prophet who has great power in speaking and acting before God and all the people.

The chief priests and our officials have executed him and nailed him to the cross.

But it is he who we have always hoped to redeem the people of Israel. Not only that, but it has been three days since this matter was accomplished.

Furthermore, a few women among us surprised us as they arrived at the grave early in the morning.

But when he did not see his body, he came back and told us that he had seen an angel appear, saying that he was alive.

And a few of us went to the grave, and what we found was as the women had said, but we did not see him.

Jesus said to them, O ignorant people, your hearts have been too slow to believe in all the words spoken by the prophets.

Isn’t it right for Christ to suffer like this and enter his glory?

So starting from Moses and all the prophets, he explained to them all the words that were written about him in the scriptures.

As they approached the village they were going to, it seemed that Jesus was still going forward

But they forced him to say, It’s too late, the sun has already cleared. Please stay with us. Jesus went in and wanted to stay with them.

When it was time to sit at the table, Jesus picked up the bread, gave thanks, broke it open, and handed it to them.

Their eyes lit up before they recognized him. Suddenly, Jesus disappeared.

They said to each other, “On the way, when he talks to us and explains the Bible to us, isn’t our hearts burning with fire?”?

They immediately stood up and returned to Jerusalem, where they found eleven apostles and their companions gathered together.

And he said, The Lord has indeed been resurrected, and it has now been shown to Simon.

The two of them recounted everything they encountered on the way and how they recognized them while breaking bread.

As he was speaking these words, Jesus himself stood among them and said, May you be in peace.

But they were panicked and afraid, thinking that what they saw was a soul.

Jesus said, Why are you troubled? Why do I have doubts in my heart?

You can tell it’s really me by looking at my hands and feet. Touch me and see. Soul has no bones or flesh, you see, I have it.

After saying these words, show them your hands and feet.

And as they were overjoyed and incredulous, and marveling, Jesus said, Do you have anything to eat here.

They gave him a piece of grilled fish. (There are ancient scrolls here and a honey chamber)

He took it over and ate it in front of them.

Jesus said to them, This is what I told you when I was with you before, saying, All that is written about me in the law of Moses, in the books of prophets, and in the Psalms must be fulfilled.

So Jesus opened their hearts so that they could understand the Bible.

And he said to them, As it is written in the scripture, Christ will suffer and be resurrected from the dead on the third day.

And they shall proclaim the word of repentance and forgiveness of sins in his name, from Jerusalem to all nations.

You are witnesses to these things.

I will bring upon you what my father promised. Wait in the city until you receive the power from above.

Jesus led them across from Bethany and raised his hand to bless them.

When he was blessing, he left them and was taken to heaven.

They worshipped him and rejoiced greatly, returning to Jerusalem.

Praise God often in the temple.

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