
Gospel of Luke_Chapter 20

One day while Jesus was teaching the people in the temple, preaching the gospel, the chief priests, scribes, and elders came forward,

Ask him, tell us, by what authority do you do these things? Who gave you this authority?

Jesus replied, “I also want to ask you one question.”. Please let me know.

John’s baptism came from heaven? Is it from the human world?

They discussed with each other and said, “If we say we come from heaven, he will say, ‘Why don’t you believe him?'”?

If we come from the world, all the people will stone us to death. Because they believed that John was a prophet.

So he answered, I don’t know where it came from.

Jesus said, I will not tell you by what authority I do these things.

Jesus set a parable and said to the people, “Someone planted a vineyard and rented it out to the tenants, and then went abroad to stay for a long time.”.

When it was time, he sent a servant to the tenants and asked them to give him the fruits that were due in the garden. The tenant actually hit him and asked him to go back empty handed.

Send another servant away. They also beat him and insulted him, asking him to go back empty handed.

Send a third servant again. They also injured him and pushed him out.

The owner said, “What should I do?”? I want to send my beloved son. Or they may respect him.

Unexpectedly, when the tenants saw him, they discussed with each other and said, “This is the one who inherits the property.”. Let’s kill him so that the property belongs to us.

So he was pushed out of the vineyard and killed. So, how will the owners of the vineyard treat them?

He will come and exterminate these landowners and transfer the vineyard to others. The people who heard it said, this is absolutely impossible.

Jesus looked at them and said, “It is written in the scripture that the stone abandoned by the craftsmen has been made into the head stone of the corner.”. What does this mean?

Anything that falls on that stone will be shattered. Whoever falls that stone will be smashed to pieces.

The scribes and chief priests saw that this parable was meant for them, and at that time they wanted to lay hands on him. Just afraid of the people.

So they spied on Jesus and sent spies to pretend to be good people, in order to gain control over his words and hand him over to the authority of the governor.

And the spies asked Jesus, saying, Master, we know that what you preach and preach is the right way, and that you do not take the appearance of men, but speak the word of God in truth and truthfulness.

Can we pay taxes to Caesar.

Jesus saw their deceit and said to them,

Show me a silver coin. Whose number does this look like. They said, it is Caesar’s.

Jesus said, In this way, the things that are Caesar should be given to Caesar, and the things that are God should be given to God.

They have no control over these words in front of the people. Surprised by his response, he remained silent.

Sadducees often say that there is no resurrection. A few came to ask Jesus, saying,

Master, Moses wrote for us, ‘If a man has a wife but no children and dies, his brother should marry his wife and give birth to a son for his brother.’.

There are seven brothers. The first one married and died without children.

The second and third also married her.

Those seven people all married her and died without leaving any children.

Later, the woman also died.

So when she comes back to life, who will be her wife? Because all seven of them have married her.

Jesus said, There are people in this world who marry and marry.

Only those who are considered worthy of that world and those who have been resurrected from the dead will not marry or marry.

Because they can’t die anymore. Like an angel. As a resurrected person, he is the Son of God.

As for the resurrection of the dead, Moses declared in the book of thorns that the Lord is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, and he made it clear.

God is not the god of the dead, but the god of the living. Because in his place, people are all alive. (There or as it seems)

A few literati said, Master, you said well.

They dare not ask him anything again in the future.

Jesus said to them, “How do people say that Christ is the son of David?”?

In the Psalm, David himself said, The Lord said to my Lord, Sit on my right hand,

Wait for me to make your enemies your footstool.

David calls him Lord, how can he be David’s son again?

When the people were listening, Jesus said to his disciples,

You must guard against literati. They love to wear long clothes for parades, love people greeting them in the market, and love the high position in the synagogue and the head of the banquet.

They embezzled the widow’s property and pretended to make long prayers. These people will face heavier punishments.

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