圣经 Gospel of Luke Gospel of Luke_Chapter 17

Gospel of Luke_Chapter 17

Jesus said to his disciples again, ‘It is inevitable to stumble.’. But what’s wrong with those who trip people up.

It is better to tie a millstone around this man’s neck and throw it into the sea than to trip up one of these little ones.

You must be cautious. If your brother offends you, admonish him. If he regrets, forgive him.

If he offends you seven times a day and turns around seven times, saying, “I regret it, but you must forgive him.”.

The apostles said to the Lord, May the Lord increase our faith.

The Lord said, If you have faith like a mustard seed, even if you say to this mulberry tree, uproot its roots and plant them in the sea, it will obey you.

Which of you has a servant who plows or grazes sheep, and when he returns from the field, he says to him, “Come and sit down and eat?”?

Isn’t it right for him to say, “Prepare dinner for me, tie a belt to serve me, and wait until I finish eating and drinking before you can eat and drink?”?

The servant did as instructed, does the master still thank him?

Thus, when you have finished all that you have commanded, say only, We are useless servants. What we did was supposed to be done separately.

Jesus went to Jerusalem and passed through Samaria and Galilee.

Entering a village, ten lepers who had grown up came towards them, standing from a distance.

Jesus, Master, have mercy on us.

When Jesus saw them, he said to them, Go and show your bodies to the priests. When they went, they were clean.

One of them, seeing that he was already healed, returned and loudly glorified God.

And he fell down at Jesus’ feet, thanking him. This person is a Samaritan.

Jesus said, Isn’t it ten people who have been cleansed? Where are those nine?

Is there no one else returning to glorify God except for this foreigner?

Just say to that person, get up and go. Your letter saved you.

The Pharisees asked when the kingdom of God would come. Jesus answered and said, The kingdom of God has come, which is not visible to the eyes.

No one can say, look, it’s here. Look, there it is. Because the kingdom of God is in your hearts. In the heart or in the middle

And he said to his disciples, The days are coming, and you wish you could see one day of the Son of Man, but you will not see it.

People will say to you, “See, there, see, here.”. Do not go out, nor follow them.

Because on the day of his coming, the Son of Man was like lightning, flashing from one side of the sky and shining straight to the other.

But he must first suffer a lot and then be abandoned by this generation.

Just like the days of Noah, so will the days of the Son of Man.

At that time, the people ate and drank, married and married. On the day Noah entered the ark, a flood came and destroyed them all.

It’s like the days of Lot again. People eat and drink, buy and sell, cultivate and build.

On the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur came down from heaven and destroyed them all.

On the day when the Son of Man appears, it will also be like this.

On that day, when people are in the room and utensils are inside, do not come down to take them. Don’t go home even when you are in the field.

You need to recall Lot’s wife.

Anyone who wants to preserve their life will lose it. Whoever loses their life will save it.

I told you that night, two people were in the same bed. Take one and leave the other.

Two women pushing the mill together. Take one and leave the other. There are ancient scrolls here

Two people in the field are going to take one and leave the other behind

And his disciples said, Lord, where is this thing? Jesus said, Wherever the body is, eagles will gather together.

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