Gospel of John_Chapter 20

On the first morning of the seventh day, when it was still d...

Gospel of John_Chapter 21

After these things, Jesus appeared again to his disciples by...

Gospel of John_Chapter 19

At that moment, Pilate whipped Jesus. The soldiers wove a cr...

Gospel of John_Chapter 17

After Jesus had said these words, he lifted up his eyes and ...

Gospel of John_Chapter 18

After Jesus had said these words, he went out with his disci...

Gospel of John_Chapter 16

I have told you these things so that you will not fall. Peop...

Gospel of John_Chapter 14

Don’t worry in your hearts. Believe in God, and believ...

Gospel of John_Chapter 15

I am a true grape tree, and my father is a cultivator. He cu...

Gospel of John_Chapter 13

Before the Passover, Jesus knew that the time had come for h...

Gospel of John_Chapter 11

There was a sick man named Lazarus who lived in Bethany, the...