首页 Hebrews Hebrews_Chapter 13

Hebrews_Chapter 13

You must always have a brotherly love for each other. Don’t forget to receive guests…

You must always have a brotherly love for each other.

Don’t forget to receive guests with love. Because there were people who received guests before, they unknowingly received angels.

Remember those who are bound, as if they were bound together with them, and also remember those who suffer, thinking that you are also in the flesh.

Marriage should be respected by everyone, and the bed should not be dirty. Because God will judge those who commit adultery.

You must not be greedy for money. Be content with what you have. For the Lord has said, I will never leave you or abandon you.

So we can confidently say that the Lord is my helper, and I will not be afraid. What can people do to me?

Remember the people who guided you and preached the word of God to you, follow their faith, and observe the end of their lives.

Jesus Christ, yesterday, today, and forever are the same.

Don’t be tempted by such strange lessons. Because the human heart is only good when it is strengthened by grace. It’s not about diet. Those who focus on their diet have never benefited.

We have an altar, and the offerings on it are not to be eaten together by those who serve in the tent.

The blood of the livestock was brought into the sanctuary by the high priest for a sin offering, and their bodies were burned outside the camp.

So Jesus, who wanted to sanctify the people with his own blood, also suffered outside the city gate.

In this way, we should also go outside the camp and endure the humiliation he has suffered.

We do not have a lasting city here, but seek the future city.

We should always offer praise as a sacrifice to God through Jesus, and this is the fruit of the lips of those who acknowledge the name of the Lord.

Just don’t forget to do good and donate. Because such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

You must obey those who guide you and be obedient. For they are constantly vigilant for your souls, like those who will pay the bill. You must make them happy and not sad when they make friends. If sorrow is of no use to you.

Please pray for us. Because we consciously have a clear conscience and are willing to follow the right path in everything.

I pray even more for you to pray for me, so that I may return to you soon.

May the God of Peace be the one who, by the blood of the eternal covenant, raised the great shepherd of the flock, my Lord Jesus, from the dead,

To fulfill you in all good deeds, so that you may do His will, and to do in your hearts what He pleases through Jesus Christ. May glory be upon him forever and ever. Amen.

Brothers, I am writing a brief letter to you, hoping that you will listen to my words of encouragement.

You should know that our brother Timothy has been released. If he comes soon, I will go with him to see you.

Greet all those who guide you and all the saints. The people from Italy also greet you.

May grace always be with you all. Amen.




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