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Hebrews_Chapter 9

Originally, there were regulations for worship and a universal sanctuary in the First Test…

Originally, there were regulations for worship and a universal sanctuary in the First Testament.

Because there is a prepared tent, the first layer is called the sanctuary. There is a lamp stand, table, and display cake inside.

After the second curtain, there is another tabernacle called the Most Holy Place.

There is a golden censer, an altar covered with gold, a golden jar containing manna, Aaron’s staff that has sprouted, and two tablets of the covenant.

Above the cabinet, there is a shadow of the glorious cherubim covering the throne of grace. I cannot go into detail about these few things now.

After these things were prepared in this way, the priests continued to enter the first layer of the tabernacle and perform the worship of God.

As for the second layer of the tabernacle, only the high priest enters alone once a year, and there is no one who does not bring blood and offers it for the fault of himself and the people.

The Holy Spirit uses this to indicate that while the first tabernacle still exists, the path to the sanctuary has not yet been revealed.

The first layer of the tabernacle is a present-day appearance, and the gifts and sacrifices offered cannot be made perfect for those who worship, according to conscience.

These things, including the rules of diet and all kinds of washing, are nothing more than regulations of the flesh, destined until the time of rejuvenation.

But now Christ has come and become the high priest for the good things to come, passing through the greater and more complete tabernacle, which is not made by human hands or belonging to this world.

And he did not use the blood of goats and calves, but entered the sanctuary only once with his own blood, which became an eternal redemption.

If the blood of goats and bulls, as well as the ashes of heifers, are sprinkled on an unclean person, it will sanctify them and purify their body.

Moreover, through the eternal spirit, Christ presents himself flawless and flawless to God, and his blood can cleanse your hearts even more. Will you remove your dead deeds and serve the living God?

He acted as a mediator in the New Testament for this. Since death redeems the sins committed by a person in the first covenant, it allows the called to receive the promised eternal inheritance.

Anyone who has a will must wait until the person who left the will dies. (The original text of the last will be the same as the word “yue”)

Because a person dies, a will is only effective. If the person who left the will is still alive, is the will still useful?

So the previous agreement was not made without blood.

For Moses, according to the law, preached all kinds of commandments to all the people that day. He took crimson velvet and hyssop, sprinkled the blood and water of calves and goats on a book, and sprinkled them on all the people, saying,

This blood is the proof of God’s covenant with you.

He also sprinkled blood on the tabernacle and all kinds of vessels.

According to the law, almost everything is purified with blood, and without shedding blood, sin cannot be forgiven.

The objects made according to the pattern of heaven must be purified with these sacrifices. But that heavenly thing should naturally be purified with even more beautiful sacrifices.

Because Christ did not enter the sanctuary created by human hands, but rather entered heaven and is now revealed to God for us.

It’s not about offering oneself multiple times, like the high priest who brings the blood of cows and sheep into the sanctuary every year.

If that were the case, he would have suffered multiple times since his creation. But now, appearing once in this last time, offering oneself as a sacrifice to eliminate sin.

According to fate, everyone has one death, and after death there is a judgment.

In this way, since Christ was offered once and bore the sins of many, he will appear again to those who are waiting for him, not to be related to sin, but to save them.


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