首页 Hebrews Hebrews_Chapter 5

Hebrews_Chapter 5

Every high priest chosen from among the people is appointed to handle matters belonging to…

Every high priest chosen from among the people is appointed to handle matters belonging to God on behalf of others, to offer gifts and sin offerings. (Or to offer gifts and sacrifices for sin)

He can empathize with those who are ignorant and lost, because he himself is also trapped by weakness.

Therefore, he should offer sacrifices and atone for the people and himself.

The honor of this high priest is not taken by anyone, but he must be called by God, just like Aaron.

In this way, Christ did not glorify himself as a high priest, but rather cared to say to him, “You are my son, and I have given birth to you today.”. That one.

Just as there is another passage in the scripture that says, You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

When Christ was in the flesh, he wept loudly and wept, praying and pleading with the Lord who could save him from death, and was accepted because of his piety.

Although he was his son, he still learned obedience due to the suffering he endured.

Having been perfected, he has become the eternal source of salvation for all who obey him.

And he was called the high priest by God according to the order of Melchizedek.

When it comes to Melchizedek, we have many words that are difficult to explain because you cannot listen.

Judging from the time you put in your studies, you should have been a master, but who knows, someone else will have to teach you the beginning of the Holy Word Elementary School. And become the one who must eat milk and cannot eat dry food.

Those who can only eat milk are not proficient in the principles of benevolence and righteousness. Because he is a baby.

Only those who have grown up can eat dry food, and their minds, trained well, can distinguish between good and bad.


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