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Hebrews_Chapter 7

This Melchizedek, who is the king of Salem and the priest of the Most High God, has always…

This Melchizedek, who is the king of Salem and the priest of the Most High God, has always been a priest. When Abraham returned from defeating the kings, he welcomed him and blessed him.

Abraham also gave him a tenth of what he had received. His first name, when translated, is King of Righteousness and Righteousness, also known as King of Salem, which means King of Peace.

He has no father, no mother, no genealogy, no beginning of life, no end of life, but is similar to the Son of God.

Think about it, how esteemed was Abraham the ancestor who gave him a tenth of the finest things he had taken captive.

The sons of Levi, who were appointed as priests, were ordered to take a tenth from the people according to tradition. These people were their own brothers, and although they were born from Abraham’s waist, they still took a tenth according to tradition

Only Melchizedek, who was not of the same lineage as them, received one tenth of Abraham’s wealth and blessed him who had been promised.

It is an undeniable principle to always give blessings to those with higher scores.

One tenth of the people here are destined to die. But there he received a tenth, and those who testified for him said, He is alive.

And it can be said that Levi, who received a tenth, also received a tenth through Abraham.

Because when Melchizedek welcomed Abraham, Levi was already with his ancestors. (Body original text as waist)

In the past, the people received the law under the priesthood of the Levites. If they could be perfected through this priesthood, why raise up another priest according to the order of Melchizedek and not according to the order of Aaron?

The priesthood has been changed, and the law must also be changed.

Because the person referred to in these words belongs to another tribe, and no one has ever served the altar in that tribe.

Our Lord clearly came out of Judah. But Moses did not mention priests in this tribe.

If, according to the style of Melchizedek, another priest were to rise up, my words would be even more obvious.

He became a priest not according to the laws of the flesh, but according to the power of infinite life. (The original text of Infinity cannot be destroyed).

Because someone testified to him, saying, You are a priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek.

The previous regulations were abolished because they were weak and ineffective.

(For the law was accomplished in nothing), it brought in a more beautiful hope, through which we can enter before God.

Furthermore, Jesus was not sworn as a priest.

As for those priests, they were not sworn, only Jesus was sworn. Because he said to him, ‘The Lord has sworn and will not repent, you are a priest forever.’.

Since he swore, Jesus became a mediator of a more beautiful covenant.

Those who became priests were originally numerous because there was a death barrier that could not last long.

Since this one is eternal, his priestly position will not be changed for a long time.

He can save anyone who comes to God through him to the end. Because he lives a long time and prays for them.

A high priest who is holy, without evil, without defilement, far from sinners, and higher than the heavens, is suitable for us.

He is not like those high priests who must first sacrifice for their own sins and then for the sins of the people every day, because he only offered himself once and accomplished this.

The law originally established the weak as high priests. But the oath taken after the law is to make a son a high priest, but it is fulfilled forever.


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