首页 Hebrews Hebrews_Chapter 12

Hebrews_Chapter 12

Since we have these many witnesses, like clouds surrounding us, let us let go of all burde…

Since we have these many witnesses, like clouds surrounding us, let us let go of all burdens, let go of sins that are easy to entangle us, and be patient and run towards the path that is set before us,

Looking up to Jesus, who created and completed our faith. Looking up to Jesus, who created and completed the truth, he despised shame and endured the suffering of the cross because of the joy set before him, and sat on the right side of the throne of God.

Those who endure such defiance from sinners should think, so as not to become tired and discouraged.

You have not yet resisted to the point of bloodshed in your struggle against evil.

You have forgotten the words that advised you like a son, saying, My son, do not underestimate the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you.

For he who loves the Lord will discipline and whip every son he receives.

What you endure is God’s discipline towards you, treating you like a son. How can a son not be disciplined by his father?

Discipline is shared among all sons, and if you do not receive discipline, you are illegitimate sons, not sons.

Moreover, we have had our biological father who disciplined us, and we still respect him. Moreover, the father of all spirits, should we not be more obedient to him and be born?

Our biological fathers temporarily discipline us according to their own will. Only the Father of all spirits discipline us for profit, so that we may have a portion in his holiness.

When it comes to discipline, I don’t feel happy at the time, but instead feel sad. But later, for those who have been trained, they bear the fruit of peace, which is righteousness.

So you need to straighten up your sagging hands and sore legs.

Make the road straight for your own feet, so that the lame will not tilt their feet, but will be healed. (crooked feet or making a wrong path)

Pursue harmony with all, and pursue holiness. No one without holiness can see the Lord.

Be cautious, as there may be someone who has lost the grace of God. I’m afraid poisonous roots will grow and disturb you, causing everyone to become unclean.

Perhaps there are those who are promiscuous, some who are greedy for the world like Esau. He sold his eldest son’s title for a little food.

Later on, when he wanted to inherit the blessings his father had blessed him, he was abandoned. Although he cried and begged for help, he could not find a way to turn his father’s heart back, as you know.

You did not come to that touchable mountain, which has flames, dense clouds, darkness, and a storm,

The sound of horns and speech. Those who hear this sound. Please don’t speak to them again.

Because they cannot bear the words they were ordered to say, that even beasts near this mountain must be stoned to death.

What I saw was extremely terrifying, to the extent that Moses said, I am greatly afraid and trembling.

You have come to Mount Zion, the city of the living God, which is Jerusalem in heaven. There are millions of angels there,

There is a general assembly listed in heaven, where all the eldest sons gather together, and there is a God who judges all, and the souls of the righteous who are fulfilled.

And the mediator of the New Testament, Jesus, and the blood sprinkled. What this blood says is more beautiful than what Abel’s blood says.

Be careful not to abandon those who speak to you. For those who have abandoned them to warn them on earth cannot escape, let alone we go against him who warned us from heaven?

At that time, his voice shook the ground. But now he promises, once again, I will not only shake the earth, but also the sky.

This once again indicates that the things that are shaken, even the things that are created, must be removed, so that those that are not shaken will continue to exist.

Therefore, since we have obtained a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be grateful and serve God with a devout and reverent heart, as God pleases.

Because our God is a blazing fire.


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