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Hebrews_Chapter 11

Faith is the truth of what is hoped for, and the evidence of what is unseen. The ancients …

Faith is the truth of what is hoped for, and the evidence of what is unseen.

The ancients found beautiful evidence in this letter.

We know through faith that all worlds are created through mythology. In this way, what is seen is not created from obvious things.

By faith Abel offered sacrifices to God, which were more beautiful than Cain’s offerings, and thus received a testimony of righteousness, which God gave of his gifts. Although he died, he still spoke because of this letter.

Enoch was taken by faith and did not die. People can’t find him either, because God has already taken him. But before he was taken, he had already received clear evidence of God’s joy in him.

Without faith, one cannot please God. For those who come to God must believe in God and believe that He rewards those who seek Him.

By faith, Noah, having been instructed by God to do things he had not seen before, was moved with reverence and prepared an ark to save his entire family. Therefore he condemned that generation, and he himself inherited the righteousness that came from faith.

By faith, when Abraham was called, he followed orders and went out to the place where he would inherit in the future. When I went out, I didn’t know where to go.

By faith, he became a guest in the promised land, as if he were living in a tent in a foreign land, like Isaac and Jacob who had the same promise.

Because he waited for the city with a foundation, which God had built and built.

Through faith, even Sarah herself was able to conceive even though she had passed the age of childbirth. Because he thought the promise he had made was trustworthy.

So from a person who seems to have died, they give birth to offspring, as numerous as the stars in the sky and countless as the sand by the sea.

These people all died with faith and did not receive what was promised, but they saw them from afar and welcomed them with joy, acknowledging that they were strangers and sojourners in the world.

The person who says this is indicating that they want to find a hometown.

If they miss the hometown they left, there is still a chance to go back.

They envy a more beautiful hometown, which is in the sky. So it is not shameful for gods to be called their gods. Because he has already prepared a city for them.

By faith, Abraham offered Isaac when he was tested. This is the one who joyfully received the promise and offered his only son.

As for this son, it was said, Only those born of Isaac shall be called your descendants.

He thought that God could still resurrect people from the dead. He also seemed to have regained his son from death.

By faith, Isaac blessed Jacob and Esau in the future.

By faith, Jacob, on his deathbed, blessed each of Joseph’s two sons and worshipped God with his staff.

By faith, Joseph, on his deathbed, mentioned that the Israelites would come out of Egypt and that he would leave a will for his bones.

Moses was born, and his parents saw that he was a handsome child, so they hid him for three months by faith and did not fear the king’s orders.

Through faith, Moses refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter when he grew up.

He would rather suffer with the people of God than temporarily enjoy the pleasure of sin.

He saw the humiliation suffered for Christ as more precious than the wealth of Egypt. Because he wanted the reward he wanted.

He left Egypt by faith and did not fear the wrath of the king. Because he perseveres and endures, as he sees the invisible Lord.

By faith, he kept the Passover and performed the ritual of sprinkling blood, so as not to let the one who destroyed the firstborn approach the Israelites.

They crossed the Red Sea like walking on dry land through faith. The Egyptians tried to pass, but were swallowed up.

By faith, the Israelites surrounded the city of Jericho for seven days, and the walls collapsed.

Through faith, the prostitute Lahe received spies peacefully and did not perish with those who did not obey.

Why should I say it again? If we were to elaborate on Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, and all the prophets one by one, the time would not be enough.

Through faith, they subdued the enemy, performed righteousness, obtained promises, and blocked the mouths of lions.

Extinguishing the fierce flames, shedding the blade of the sword, turning weakness into strength, demonstrating bravery in battle, and repelling the entire army of foreign nations.

Some women resurrect their dead, while others endure severe punishment and refuse to be released, in order to obtain a more beautiful resurrection.

Some people endure teasing, whipping, locking, imprisonment, and other hardships.

Killed by a stone, sawed to death, tested, and killed by a knife. Running around in the skin of sheep and goats, suffering from poverty, trouble, and suffering.

In the wilderness, mountains, caves, and caves, drifting is unpredictable. This is someone that the world doesn’t deserve.

These people have received good evidence through faith, but have not yet received what they have promised.

Because God has prepared for us even more beautiful things, so that they cannot be perfect without being with us.


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