首页 Hebrews Hebrews_Chapter 4

Hebrews_Chapter 4

Since we have received a promise to enter his rest, let us be afraid, so that no one among…

Since we have received a promise to enter his rest, let us be afraid, so that no one among us may seem to be unable to catch up.

Because the gospel is preached to us, just as it is preached to them. But the word they hear is of no benefit to them, because they have no faith to reconcile with the word they hear.

But those whom we have already believed shall enter into that rest, as God said, I swear in anger, that they shall not enter into my rest. In fact, the work of creation has been completed since its inception.

On the seventh day, there is a saying that God ceased all his work.

There is another saying that they shall never enter my rest.

Those who have heard the gospel before will not enter the Sabbath because they do not believe.

So after many years, in the book of David, another day was set, as quoted above, saying, If you listen to his words today, do not harden your heart.

If Joshua had given them rest, then God would not mention any other day.

So it seems that there will be another Sabbath to be reserved for the people of God.

For those who enter into rest have rested from their work, just as God has rested from his work.

So we must make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall after that disobedient way.

The way of God is lively and effective, faster than any two edged sword. Even soul and spirit, joints and bone marrow can be pierced and cut open, and even thoughts and ideas in the heart can be discerned.

And nothing was made that was not obvious to him. It turns out that all things are naked and open in front of the Lord who is related to us.

Since we have a high priest who has been elevated to the glory of heaven, Jesus, the son of God, let us hold fast to the way we acknowledge.

Because our high priest is not unable to empathize with our weaknesses. He has also been tested in everything, just like us. It’s just that he didn’t commit a crime.

So we just need to come calmly and fearlessly to the throne of grace, in order to receive mercy and receive grace for help at any time.


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