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Hebrews_Chapter 10

The law, as a shadow of good things in the future, is not the true image of this thing. It…

The law, as a shadow of good things in the future, is not the true image of this thing. It cannot be perfected by offering the same sacrifices every year.

If not, wouldn’t the act of offering sacrifices have already come to an end? Because worshippers, once their conscience is cleansed, no longer feel guilty.

But these sacrifices remind people of sin every year.

Because the blood of bulls and goats cannot be excommunicated.

So when Christ came into the world, he said, O God, sacrifices and gifts are things that you do not want, and you have prepared a body for me.

Burnt offerings and atonement offerings are things you don’t like.

At that time I said, O God, I have come to do according to your will. My story has already been recorded in the scriptures.

As mentioned above, sacrifices and gifts, burnt offerings and sin offerings are things that you do not want and do not like (all of which are offered according to the law).

Later, he said that I came to do according to your will. It can be seen that he removed those who came first, in order to establish those who came last.

By this will, we can be sanctified by Jesus Christ offering his body only once.

Every day, every priest stands to serve God and repeatedly offers the same sacrifice. This sacrifice can never eliminate sin.

But Christ offered an eternal sin offering and sat down on the right hand of God.

From then on, waiting for his enemies became his footstool.

Because in one offering, he makes those who are sanctified forever perfect.

The Holy Spirit also bears witness to us. Because he has already said,

The Lord said, After those days, this is the covenant I have made with them. I will write my law in their hearts and put it in their hearts.

In the future, I will no longer remember their sins and their sins.

Since these sins have been pardoned, there is no need to sacrifice for them anymore.

Brothers, since we were able to enter the Most Holy Place with peace through the blood of Jesus,

It is through him that we have opened a new and living path through the curtain, which is his body.

Another high priest ruled over the house of God.

And when our conscience has been shed and our bodies washed with water, let us come to God with sincerity and full faith.

We must also uphold the expectations we acknowledge and not waver. Because what promised us is faithful.

We must also consider each other, inspire love, and encourage good deeds.

You must not stop the gathering, as those who have stopped getting used to it must encourage each other. Even more so, knowing that the day is approaching.

Because after learning the truth, if we intentionally commit a crime, there will be no more offerings for redemption.

Only war fears await judgment and the blazing fire that consumes all enemies.

If a person violates the law of Moses, they will die without mercy with two or three witnesses.

How much more do you think that the punishment for the Son of God, who tramples on him and regards the blood of the covenant that sanctifies him as ordinary, and mocks the Spirit of grace.

Because we know who says, justice is mine, and I will repay it. And he said, The Lord judges his people.

It is truly terrifying to fall into the hands of the Eternal God.

Remember the past days, when you were illuminated and endured all the hardships of great wars.

Being slandered and suffering on one side has become a scene for everyone to watch. Accompanying those who suffer like this on one side.

Because you sympathize with those who are bound up, and your family property has been taken away, you are willing to endure it, knowing that you have a more beautiful and enduring family property.

So do not abandon your brave heart, for such a heart will receive great rewards.

You must endure, so that after you have done the will of God, you will receive the promise.

Because there is still a little bit of time, those who will come will come without delay.

But the righteous shall live by faith. If he turns back, I will not like him in my heart.

We are not the ones who retreat and sink, but those who have faith to save their souls.


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