圣经 Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 13

Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 13

In the church of Antioch, there were several prophets and teachers, namely Barnabas, Simeon named Nigel, Lucius the Cyrenaite, Manium, who was raised with Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.

When they were serving the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, ‘Assign me Barnabas and Saul to do the work that I have called them to do.’.

So he fasted and prayed, placed his hand on their head, and sent them away.

After being sent by the Holy Spirit, they went down to Seleucid and sailed from there to Cyprus.

When they arrived at Salami, they preached the word of God in the synagogues of the Jews. John is also their helper.

Passing through the entire island until Paphos, I met a Jewish man named BaJesus who had a spell and pretended to be a prophet.

This person is always with Paul, who is a wise man. He invited Barnabas and Saul to listen to the word of God.

But the one who practiced magic, Elema, (which means practicing magic when translated) opposed the apostles and wanted to make the Fangbo not believe in the true way.

Saul, also known as Paul, was filled with the Holy Spirit and gazed intently at him,

Saying, O son of the devil, full of all deceit and wickedness, an enemy of all good, will not the right way of the Lord cease to be chaotic?

Now the Lord’s hand is on you. You must be blind and not see sunlight for the time being. His eyes immediately became dim and dark, and he begged for someone to hold hands and lead him around.

When Fang Bo saw what he had done, he was amazed by the Lord’s words and believed.

Paul and his companions sailed from Paphos and arrived at Perga in Pamphylia. John left them and returned to Jerusalem.

They left Perga and went forward to Antioch in Pisidia. On the Sabbath, enter the synagogue and sit down.

After reading the law and the prophets, the ruler of the synagogue called for someone to come over and said to them, “Brothers, if you have any words of encouragement for everyone, please speak.”.

Paul stood up and raised his hand, saying, “Listen to the Israelites and all those who fear God.”.

The God of the people of Israel has chosen our ancestors, and when the people sojourned in Egypt, he lifted them up and brought them out with a strong hand.

And he endured them in the wilderness for about forty years. (Tolerance or upbringing)

And when he had destroyed the seven tribes of Canaan, he divided the land among them for an inheritance.

Afterwards, he appointed judges for them for about four hundred and fifty years until the time of the prophet Samuel.

Later, they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul, the son of Kish, from the tribe of Benjamin, to reign for forty years.

And when Saul was deposed, they chose David as their king. And I testified against him, saying, I have found David the son of Jesse, who is a man according to my heart, to do my will in all things.

From this person’s descendants, God has appointed a savior for the Israelites, Jesus, as promised.

Before he came out, John preached the baptism of repentance to all the people of Israel.

John will complete his journey and say, “Who do you think I am?”? I am not Christ. There is only one who will come after me, and I am not worthy to untie the shoelaces on his feet.

Brothers, descendants of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, this way of salvation has been passed down to us.

The people living in Jerusalem and their officials, because they did not know Christ and did not understand the books of the prophets read every Sabbath, condemned Christ to death and fulfilled the prophecies of the prophets.

Although it was not found that he was guilty of death, I still begged Pilate to kill him.

And when he had fulfilled all the words written about him in the scriptures, he took him down from the wood and placed him in a tomb.

But God raised him from the dead.

The people who went up to Jerusalem with him from Galilee saw him many days ago, and these people are now his witnesses among the people.

We have also reported good information to you, which is the promise made to our ancestors,

God has fulfilled his promise to us as children, raising Jesus up. As it is written in Psalm 2, You are my son, and I have given birth to You today.

As for God’s resurrection from the dead and his return to corruption, this is what he says: I will give you the holy and reliable grace that I promised David.

There is another article that says, “You will not let your Holy One see corruption.”.

When David was alive, he did the will of God and fell asleep. Returning to his ancestors, he has seen decay.

But what God resurrected, he did not see decay.

Therefore, brothers, know that the word of forgiveness of sin is transmitted to you by this person.

By the law of Moses, in all things that cannot be justified, believe in this person, and you will all be justified.

So be careful not to let what is said in the prophets come to you.

The Lord said, Look, you contemptuous people, be amazed, and perish. Because during your time, I did something that you never believed even though someone told you.

When they left the synagogue, everyone invited them to speak these words to them on the next Sabbath.

After the meeting, many Jews and devout people who entered Judaism followed Paul and Barnabas, and they preached to them, urging them to remain forever in the grace of God.

On the next Sabbath, almost all the people of the city gathered to hear the word of God.

But when the Jews saw so many people, they were filled with jealousy and vehemently refuted what Paul had said, and slandered him.

Paul and Barnabas boldly said, It is right for the word of God to be spoken to you first, but because you have rejected it and have determined that you are not worthy of eternal life, we have turned to the Gentiles.

For the Lord has commanded us, saying, I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may perform salvation even to the ends of the earth.

When the Gentiles heard these words, they rejoiced and praised the word of God, and all those who were destined for eternal life believed.

So the word of the Lord spread throughout that region.

But the Jews incited devout and esteemed women, as well as prominent people in the city, to persecute Paul and Barnabas and drive them out of the country.

The two of them stomped off the dust on their feet and headed towards Iconium.

The disciples were filled with joy and filled with the Holy Spirit.

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