
Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 17

Paul and Silas passed through Amphipolis and Apollonia and arrived at Thessalonica, where there was a Jewish synagogue.

Paul went in according to his usual custom and argued with them for three consecutive Sabbath days based on the Bible,

Explain that Christ must suffer and be resurrected from the dead. And he said, This Jesus whom I preach to you is Christ.

Some of them listened to advice and followed Paul and Silas. There were also many devout Greeks and many noble women.

But the unbelieving Jews were jealous in their hearts, and gathered some bandits from the market, formed groups, and stirred up the people of the whole city, breaking into the house of Jason to bring Paul Silla to the people.

Unable to find them, they brought Jason and a few brothers to the local officials and shouted, “Those who have caused chaos in the world have also come here.”.

Yesun took them in. These people all disobeyed Caesar’s orders, saying that there was another king Jesus.

The crowd and local officials were alarmed when they heard these words.

So he took the bail of Jason and the others and released them.

Brothers, they immediately sent Paul and Silas to Berea at night. When they arrived, they entered the synagogue of the Jews.

The people of this place are more virtuous than those of Thessalonians, willing to accept this way and study the Bible every day to know whether this way is true or not.

So there are many among them who believe. There were also many noble women and many men in Hilini.

But the Jews of Thessalonica, knowing that Paul was preaching the word of God again in Berea, went there and stirred up and disturbed the people.

At that time, the brothers sent Paul to the seaside. Silla and Timothy still lived in Berea.

The person who sent Paul took him to Athens. After receiving Paul’s command to quickly bring Silas and Timothy to him, he returned.

When Paul was waiting for them in Athens, he saw that the city was full of idols, and his heart was anxious.

So he debated with the Jews and devout people in the synagogue, and with those he met in the market every day.

There were also scholars from Epicurus and Stoia who argued with him. Some say, what is this nonsense going to say. Some say that he seems to be a legend of foreign ghosts and gods. This is because Paul preached about Jesus and the way of resurrection.

They brought him to the Areopagus and said, Can we also know the new way you are talking about?

Because you have some strange things that have reached our ears. We are willing to know what these things mean.

The Athenians, as well as the guests living there, disregarded other matters and only talked about and listened to the news

Paul stood in the midst of the Areopagus and said, “Men of Athens, I see that in all things you have great reverence for ghosts and gods.”.

When I was marching, watching what you were worshipping, I came across an altar with the name of an unknown god written on it. What you don’t know and worship, I’ll tell you now.

The God who created the universe and all things in it, as the Lord of heaven and earth, does not dwell in the temple made by human hands.

There is no need for human hands to serve, as if lacking something. Instead, I give life, breath, and all things to all people.

He created the bloodline of all nations from one book, living on all the earth, and predetermined their years and their borders.

We should ask them to seek God, or perhaps they can speculate and find him, but he is not far from each of us.

We care about him in our lives, actions, and survival, just like you poets, some say, we are also born of him.

Since we are born of God, we should not think that the divine nature of God is like the gold, silver, and stone carved by human craftsmanship and thought.

When people were ignorant, God did not supervise, but now he commands everyone everywhere to repent.

For he has set a day to judge the world in righteousness through the people he has appointed. And let him be resurrected from the dead, to be a trustworthy proof for all.

When they heard the words of resurrection from the dead, some mocked him, and others said, Let us hear you speak of this again.

So Paul went out from among them.

But a few people came close to him and believed in the Lord, including Dionysius, the official of Areopagus, and a woman named Damari, along with others who also believed.

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