
Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 1

Theophilus, I have written the first book about all that Jesus did and taught at the beginning,

Until he commanded the chosen apostles through the Holy Spirit, until they were taken up in the future.

After he was victimized, he showed himself alive to the apostles with many credentials, and for forty days he appeared to them, speaking about the kingdom of God.

When Jesus gathered with them, he charged them not to leave Jerusalem, but to wait for the promise of the Father, which ye have heard of me.

John is baptized with water. But in a few days, you will be baptized by the Holy Spirit.

When they gathered together, they asked Jesus, “Lord, is it at this time that you have restored the kingdom of Israel?”?

Jesus said to them, “You cannot know the time and date set by the Father through his own authority.”.

But when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, you will receive power. And I will bear witness in Jerusalem, throughout all Judea, and Samaria, even to the ends of the earth.

After saying these words, just as they were watching, he was taken up and taken away by a cloud, but he was no longer visible.

As he went up and they gazed into the sky, suddenly two people, dressed in white, stood beside him and said,

Why do you stand and look up at the sky, Galileans? Jesus, who has been taken up to heaven from you, will come again as you see him going up to heaven.

There is a mountain called Mount Olive, not far from Jerusalem, about a Sabbath’s journey. Then the disciples returned to Jerusalem from there.

After entering the city, I went up to the building where I lived. There were Peter, John, James, Andrew, Philip, Thomas, Bartholomew, Matthew, James the son of Alphaeus, Simon the Zealot, and Judas the son of Jacob.

These people, along with several women, Mary, the mother of Jesus, and Jesus’ brothers, all prayed with one heart and one mind.

At that time, there was a gathering of about one hundred and twenty people, and Peter stood up among the brothers, saying,

Brothers, through the mouth of David, the Holy Spirit prophesied in the Bible about Judas, who led the capture of Jesus. This statement must be fulfilled.

He was originally listed among us and received one point in the apostolic position.

This person used his wicked wages to buy a piece of land, but later his body collapsed, his belly cracked, and his intestines flowed out.

All the people living in Jerusalem knew about this, so they named the field Achdama according to their words, which means the field of blood.

For it is written in the Psalm, May his dwelling be desolate, and no one dwell within. He also said, may others take his position.

So when the Lord Jesus always comes and goes among us,

From the baptism of John until the day when the Lord is taken up from us, it is necessary to appoint one among those who are always with us as a witness to the resurrection of Jesus.

So he elected two people, Joseph, who was called Barzabah and also called Justus, and Matthias.

And they prayed, saying, Lord, you know the hearts of all men. May you indicate from these two who you have chosen, that he may receive the position of this apostle. This Judah has been abandoned and has gone to his own place.

So everyone shook lots for them and drew Matthias. He was among the eleven apostles.

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