首页 Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 26

Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 26

And Agrippa said to Paul, Allow you to defend yourself. So Paul reached out his hand and s…

And Agrippa said to Paul, Allow you to defend yourself. So Paul reached out his hand and said,

King Agrippa, it is fortunate that all the things that the Jews have accused me have been brought before you today.

Fortunately, you are familiar with the rules of the Jewish people and engage in debates with them. So please be patient and listen to me.

From the beginning, I was among the people of my own country and in Jerusalem, and the Jews knew how I was from a young age.

If they are willing to bear witness, they will know that from the beginning, I became a Pharisee according to the strictest sect in our religion.

I am standing here for trial now because I am hoping for what God has promised our ancestors.

Our twelve tribes eagerly serve God day and night, hoping to receive this promise. King, I was accused by the Jews because of this hope.

Why do you consider it untrustworthy that God resurrects the dead?

I used to think that we should attack the name of Jesus the Nazarene from all sides.

I have done the same in Jerusalem. After obtaining power from the chief priest, I imprisoned many saints in prison. They were killed, and I am also famous for finalizing the case.

In various synagogues, I repeatedly used torture and forced them to speak blasphemous words. He was particularly angry with them and even pursued them to foreign cities.

At that time, I received the authority and command of the chief priests and went to Damascus.

King, on the way, at noon, I saw a light shining from the sky, brighter than the sun, shining on me and my companions from all sides.

We all fell to the ground, and I heard a voice speaking in Hebrew, saying to me, Saul, why are you persecuting me. It’s difficult for you to kick and stab with your feet.

I said, Lord, who are you. The Lord said, I am Jesus, whom you have persecuted.

Stand up and I will appear to you specifically to appoint you as a deacon as a witness, to prove what you have seen and what I will show you.

I will also save you from the hands of the people and the Gentiles.

I have sent you to them to open their eyes, to turn from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan to God. And because of faith in me, I am forgiven of sins, and have an inheritance with all who are sanctified.

King Agrippa, therefore I have not rebelled against the vision that came from heaven.

First in Damascus, then in Jerusalem, throughout all Judea, and among the Gentiles, we exhort them to repent and turn to God, and to act in accordance with a repentant heart.

Therefore, the Jews captured me in the temple and wanted to kill me.

However, with the help of God, I am still able to stand and bear witness to the nobility and lowliness of all ages to this day. What is being said is nothing more than what the prophets and Moses have said will happen in the future.

It is that Christ must suffer, and because he has been resurrected from the dead, he must first spread the word of light to the people and the Gentiles.

Paul spoke up in this way, and Festus exclaimed loudly, Paul, are you crazy. Your knowledge is too great, it makes you crazy.

Paul said, Lord Festus, I am not insane, I speak the truth and understanding.

Wang is also aware of these things, so I speak boldly to him. I firmly believe that there is nothing hidden from him about these things. Because it was not done behind the scenes.

King Agrippa, do you believe in prophets? I know you believe it.

Agrippa said to Paul, “If you want to persuade me a little, then call me a Christian.”. (Or perhaps you almost call me a Christian by persuading me like this).

Paul said, Whether it be little persuasion or much persuasion, what I ask of God is not only you, but also all who listen to me today, to be like me, but not to have these chains like me.

So the king, the governor, and Bernice, along with those sitting with them, stood up,

Step back inside and talk to each other, saying that this person has not committed any crimes that deserve to be punished or bound.

And Agrippa said to Festus, If this man had not appealed to Caesar, he could have been released.


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