首页 Acts of the Apostles Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 19

Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 19

When Apollo was in Corinth, Paul passed through the surrounding areas and arrived at Ephes…

When Apollo was in Corinth, Paul passed through the surrounding areas and arrived at Ephesus. I met several disciples there.

Ask them, Have you received the Holy Spirit when you believed. They replied, “No, I have not heard of the Holy Spirit being given.”

Paul said, “So, what baptism have you received?”? They said it was John’s baptism.

Paul said, John did baptism of repentance, telling the people to believe in Jesus, who will come after him.

When they heard these words, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.

Paul placed his hand on their heads, and the Holy Spirit descended on them. They speak dialects and prophesy. (Or preach and preach).

There are about twelve people in total.

Paul entered the synagogue and boldly preached for three consecutive months, debating about the kingdom of God and persuading everyone.

Later on, some people became stubborn and did not believe in it, and slandered this way in front of everyone. Paul left them and separated his disciples from them, debating every day in the school of Tyranus.

This lasted for two years, so that all who lived in Asia, whether Jews or Greeks, could hear the word of the Lord.

God did some very miraculous things by the hand of Paul.

Some even took handkerchiefs or aprons from Paul’s body and placed them on the sick person, and the illness subsided, and the evil spirits also went out.

At that time, several Jews who marched around and cursed and drove out demons, without authorization, called the name of the Lord Jesus to those who were possessed by evil spirits, saying, In Jesus, whom Paul preached, I have commanded you to come out.

There were seven sons of the Jewish chief priest Schivah who did this.

The evil spirit answered them, saying, I know Jesus, and I know Paul. But who are you?

The people possessed by evil spirits jumped on them and defeated two of them, subduing them and causing them to escape from the house naked and injured.

Everyone living in Ephesus, whether they are Jews or Greeks, knows this and fears it. Therefore, the name of the Lord Jesus is greatly honored.

Those who have already believed, many people come to admit and recount their actions.

Many people who practice witchcraft bring books and pile them up in front of everyone to burn. They calculated the book price and found out that it was a total of 50000 yuan.

The way of the Lord is greatly prosperous and victorious, and that is it.

After these things were finished, Paul decided in his heart that after passing through Macedonia, Achaea would go to Jerusalem, and he said, After I come there, I must also go to Rome to see.

So he sent Timothy and Eladus, two of his helpers, to Macedonia. I am temporarily waiting in Asia.

At that time, the disturbance caused by this incident was not small.

There was a silversmith named Demetrius who made silver altars for the god of Artemis, and he made this craft more meaningful.

He gathered them and the workers who were with him, and said, Ladies and gentlemen, you know that we rely on this business to make a fortune.

This Paul not only lured and deceived many people in Ephesus, but almost throughout all of Asia, saying, The work of human hands is not God, but this is what you see and hear.

In this way, not only our cause will be looked down upon, but even the temple of the great goddess Artemis will be neglected, and the glory of the great goddess worshipped throughout Asia and the whole world will be destroyed.

When the crowd heard this, they were filled with anger and shouted, “Great is Artemis of the Ephesians!”.

The whole city is causing a sensation. Everyone grabbed Gaius and Aristarchus, Macedonians who were walking with Paul, and rushed into the theater with one heart.

Paul wanted to go in to the people, but his disciples did not allow him to go.

There were also several leaders from Asia, friends of Paul, who sent people to persuade him not to take risks in the theater.

The people gathered in chaos, some shouting this, some shouting that, most of whom do not know why they gathered.

Someone brought Alexander out of the crowd, and the Jews pushed him forward. Alexander waved his hand to plead with the people.

But because they recognized him as a Jew, they all shouted together, saying, Great is Artemis of the Ephesians. This will take about two hours

The secretary of the city comforted the people and said, “O Ephesians, who doesn’t know that the city of the Ephesians is the temple that guards the Great Artemis and the image that fell from Deus?”?

Since this matter cannot be refuted, you should be quiet and not cause any harm.

You brought these people here, they did not steal anything from the temple, nor did they slander?? Our goddess.

If Demetrius and his companions accuse anyone, there will be a day for them to file a lawsuit. There is also Fang Bo, who can sue each other.

If you ask anything else, you can gather as usual to make a decision.

Today’s disturbance was unfounded, and we are inevitably being questioned. When it comes to gathering crowds like this, we cannot explain why.

After saying these words, he called the crowd to disperse.


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