
Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 23

Paul fixed his gaze on the members of the council and said, Brothers, I have always acted with conscience before God until this day.

The high priest Ananias ordered the people standing next to him to hit him on the mouth.

Paul said to him, you whitewashed wall. God wants to hit you. Do you sit in court to question me according to the law, but you have disobeyed the law and ordered people to beat me?

The person standing beside them said, Have you insulted the high priest of God?

Paul said, brothers, I do not know that he is a high priest. It is written, ‘Do not slander the officials of your people.’.

Paul saw that half of the people were Sadducees and the other half were Pharisees, and he shouted loudly in the council, “Brothers, I am a Pharisee and a descendant of a Pharisee.”. I am being interrogated now to hope for the resurrection of the dead.

After saying these words, the Pharisees and Sadducees began to argue, and the assembly was divided into two factions.

Because the Sadducees said, There is no resurrection, no angels, and no ghosts, but the Pharisees said, There are both.

So there was a great commotion. A few Pharisee scribes stood up and argued, saying, “We cannot see any evil in this person. What if a ghost or angel has spoken to him?”?

At that time, there was a big argument, and the commander was afraid that Paul would be torn apart by them. He ordered the soldiers to go down and snatch him out of the crowd, taking him into the barracks.

That night, the Lord stood by Paul and said, “Rest assured, as you have testified for me in Jerusalem, so you will testify for me in Rome.”.

At dawn, the Jews conspired and swore, saying, Unless Paul is killed first, he will not eat or drink.

More than forty people swore with one heart.

They came to the chief priests and elders and said, “We have made a great oath that unless we kill Paul first, we will not eat anything.”.

Now you and the guild should inform the captain to bring Paul to you, pretending to investigate his affairs in detail. We are ready to kill him before he arrives.

Paul’s nephew heard that they had set up an ambush and came to the barracks to tell Paul.

Paul invited a centurion and said, ‘Take this young man to the captain and tell him something.’.

So he took him to the captain and said, Paul, who was imprisoned, invited me to him and asked me to bring this young man to you. He has something to tell you.

The captain took his hand and walked to the side, privately asking him, “What do you have to tell me?”?

He said, the Jews have already agreed to demand that you bring Paul to the council tomorrow, pretending to inquire in detail about his affairs.

Do not follow them, for they have more than forty people lying in ambush and have taken an oath, saying, If you do not kill Paul first, you will not eat or drink. Now it’s ready, just waiting for your approval.

So the captain sent the young man away, instructing him not to tell anyone that you have reported this matter to me.

The centurion called two centurions and said, Prepare two hundred infantry, seventy cavalry, and two hundred spearmen, and go to Caesarea tonight at the beginning of the year.

Prepare animals for Paul to ride on and escort them to the governor Felix.

The commander wrote another document,

Roughly speaking, Claudius Lysias, greetings to the governor, Lord Felix.

This man was captured by the Jews and was about to be killed. When I learned that he was a Roman, I brought soldiers down to rescue him.

Because I wanted to know the reason why they sued him, I took him down to their guild.

It was found that he was accused due to their legal debate, and there were no charges that should be punished or bound.

Later, someone told me the plan to harm him, and I immediately sent him to you. I also ordered the accusers to accuse him in front of you. (There are ancient scrolls here, may you be safe)

So the soldiers, as instructed, took Paul to Antipater by night.

The next day, let the cavalry escort them and they will go back to the barracks.

The cavalry arrived at Caesarea, presented the documents to the governor, and called Paul to stand in front of him.

The governor looked at the document and asked Paul which province he was from, knowing that he was from the Celtic family,

And he said, When the one who accuses you comes, I will listen carefully to your affairs. And he ordered that he be kept guard in Herod’s yamen.

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