
Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 5

There was a man named Ananias who, along with his wife Saphira, sold their land.

Leave a portion of the silver without permission, and his wife also knows. Take the remaining portion and put it at the apostle’s feet.

Peter said, Ananias, why has Satan filled your heart to deceive the Holy Spirit and keep a portion of the land’s value for yourself?

The field hasn’t been sold yet, isn’t it yours? After selling it, isn’t the price silver up to you? How did you have this idea in your heart? You are not deceiving people, you are deceiving gods.

When Ananias heard these words, he fell and breathed a sigh of relief. Those who heard it were all very afraid.

Some young people got up and carried his package out to bury him.

After about three hours, his wife came in and still didn’t know about it.

Peter said to her, “Tell me, is that all the silver you sell for the land?”? She said, that’s all.

Peter said, Why are you testing the Spirit of the Lord with one heart? The feet of those who buried your husband have reached the door, and they will also carry you out.

The woman immediately fell at Peter’s feet and breathed a sigh of relief. The young men came in and saw that she was already dead, so they carried her out and buried her next to her husband.

The whole church and those who heard this were greatly afraid.

By the hands of the apostles, the Lord did many miracles and wonders among the people, and they all came together in Solomon’s porch.

None of the others dared to get close to them. But the people respect them.

The number of people who believe and return to the Lord is increasing, even with many men and women.

Even some people carry patients to the streets, place them on beds or mattresses, hoping that when Peter comes over, he may have his shadow shining on someone.

Many people came from the surrounding cities of Jerusalem, with sick people and those troubled by unclean spirits, and all of them were healed.

The high priest and all his companions, including those of the Sadducees sect, rose up and were filled with jealousy.

Then he took the apostles and placed them in the outer prison.

But the angel of the Lord opened the prison gate at night and brought them out,

Go and stand in the temple, and tell the people all the ways of life.

When the apostles heard these words, they went into the temple to teach at dawn. The high priest and his companions came and called for the council of Qi and all the elders of the Israelites to send someone to the prison to bring out the apostles.

But when the guards arrived and did not see them in the prison, they returned to report and said,

We saw the prison locked tightly, with the guards standing outside the door. When the door was opened, no one was seen inside.

When the palace guards and chief priests heard these words, they were troubled and did not know what the future would be.

A man came to report, saying, Those of you who were taken into prison are now standing in the temple teaching the people.

So the palace guards and attendants went to bring the apostles, without resorting to violence. Because they were afraid that the people would stone them.

When they arrived, they called the apostles to stand in front of the council, and the high priest asked them,

Aren’t we strictly prohibiting you from teaching in this name? You have filled Jerusalem with your teachings, intending to bring this man’s blood upon us.

Peter and the apostles answered, “It is right to obey God, not man.”.

The God of our ancestors has resurrected Jesus, whom you killed hanging on a wood.

And God lifted him up with his right hand, making him king and savior, and giving repentance and forgiveness to the Israelites.

We bear witness to this matter. The Holy Spirit given by God to those who obey also bears witness to this matter.

The members of the guild were extremely angry upon hearing this and wanted to kill them.

But there was a Pharisee named Gamaliel, a highly respected teacher of the people, who stood up in the council and ordered that the apostles be temporarily taken outside.

And he said to them, O Israelites, be careful how you deal with these people.

Once upon a time, when things got bigger, they boasted that they were bigger. About four hundred people followed him. After he was killed, all his followers scattered and returned to nothingness.

After that, when he enrolled in the register, Judah of Galilee rose up and tempted some people to follow him. He also perished, and all those who followed him scattered.

Now I advise you not to interfere with these people, let them alone. If their plans and actions come from men, they will surely be corrupted.

If it is from God, you cannot corrupt them. I’m afraid you are attacking God.

The members of the council obeyed him and called for the apostles to come and beat them up. They also commanded them not to preach in the name of Jesus and released them.

They left the guild with joy in their hearts. Because he was considered worthy of being humiliated.

They continued to teach daily in the temple and at home, proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ.

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