
Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 14

The two of them entered the synagogue of the Jews together at Iconium, and there they preached, calling it the Jews and the Greeks, and many believed.

But the disobedient Jews stirred up the Gentiles, making their hearts angry with their brothers.

The two of them stayed there for many days, relying on the Lord to confidently preach. The Lord used their hands to perform miracles and wonders to prove his grace.

The people in the city divided the party. There are those who follow the Jews and those who follow the apostles.

At that time, the Gentiles and Jews, along with their officials, came together to insult the apostles and stone them.

When the apostles found out, they fled to Lucifer, Tebe, two cities, and the surrounding areas in Lyconies.

Spread the gospel there.

In the city of Luside, there sat a person with weak legs who was born lame and had never walked.

He listened to Paul’s lecture. Paul fixed his gaze on him and saw that he had faith and could be healed,

Just say loudly, get up and stand straight on both feet. That person jumps up and walks.

When everyone saw what Paul had done, they spoke loudly in the words of Lyconies, saying, God has descended among us through the form of a human.

So they called Barnabas Deus and Paul Hermes, because he was the leader in speech.

A priest from the Temple of Deus outside the city, holding an ox and a wreath, came to the door to offer sacrifices to the apostles with everyone.

When Barnabas, Paul, and the two apostles heard this, they tore open their clothes and jumped into the midst of the crowd, shouting,

Gentlemen, why did you do this? We are also human beings with the same temperament as you. We preach the gospel to you so that you may abandon these illusions and turn to the living God, who created heaven, earth, the sea, and all things in them.

He allowed all nations to go their separate ways in the past generation.

However, for the sake of myself, I have not failed to show evidence, so that I may bestow grace as usual, rain from heaven, and reward a bountiful year, so that you may eat and be satisfied, and be filled with joy.

The two of them said these words, only stopping the crowd from offering sacrifices to them.

But some Jews, who came from Antioch and Iconium, incited the crowd and stoned Paul, thinking he was dead, and dragged him out of the city.

As his disciples were surrounding him, he got up and walked into the city. The next day, they went to Tebe with Barnabas,

He preached the gospel to the people in that city and made many disciples. Go back to Sid, Iconium, and Antioch,

Strengthen the hearts of the disciples and advise them to keep the way they believe. And he said, To enter the kingdom of God, we must go through many difficulties.

The two of them chose elders in various churches, fasted and prayed, and entrusted them to the Lord they believed in.

The two of them passed through Pisidi and arrived at Pamphylia.

After speaking, he went down to Italy.

Take a boat from there and head towards Antioch. They were entrusted by everyone with the grace of God to do the work they are doing now, which is in this place.

When they arrived there, they gathered the assembly and recounted all the things God had done through them, and how God had opened the door of faith for the Gentiles.

The two of them stayed there as disciples for several days.

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