
Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 4

As the apostles were speaking to the people, the priests, the temple guards, and the Sadducees suddenly arrived.

Because they taught the people and prophesied the resurrection of the dead in the spirit of Jesus, they became very troubled.

So he took them by hand. Because it was already late, we held them until the next day.

But among those who listen to the Tao, there are many who believe, and the number of males is about five thousand.

The next day, the officials, elders, and scribes gathered in Jerusalem.

There was also Ana the high priest, along with Caiaphas, John, Alexander, and the relatives of the high priest.

And he called the apostles to stand in the midst, and asked them, What power and in whose name did you do this?

At that time, Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit and said to them,

If today, the officials and elders who govern the people, ask us how he has recovered because of the good deeds he has done on disabled people.

You all, and the people of Israel, should know that this person standing before you has been healed because of the cross you have crucified, and God has raised him from the dead, in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene.

He is the stone abandoned by your craftsmen, and has become the head stone of the corner of the house.

There is no other salvation besides him. Because in the world, there is no other name bestowed upon us, and we can be saved by it.

When they saw the courage of Peter and John, and saw that they were ignorant little people, they were amazed and recognized that they had followed Jesus.

And seeing the healed man standing with them, there was nothing to refute.

So he ordered them to leave the guild and discussed with each other, saying,

What should we do with these two people? Because they have indeed performed a remarkable miracle, which all those who reside in Jerusalem know, and we cannot say that there is none.

Lest this matter spread even more among the people, we must intimidate them so that they will no longer speak in this name.

So he called them and forbade them not to preach or teach in the name of Jesus.

Peter and John said, “Listen to you, but not to God. Consider whether this is reasonable before God.”.

What we see and hear cannot be ignored.

For the sake of the people, the officials couldn’t think of a way to punish them, but they also threatened and released them. This is because all the wonders that people have done are to glorify God.

The person who was miraculously cured is over forty years old.

When the two were released, they went to their congregation and told them all that the chief priests and elders had said.

When they heard it, they unanimously spoke loudly to God, saying, Lord, you are the creator of heaven, earth, sea, and all things in it.

You once spoke through the Holy Spirit, through the mouth of your servant our ancestor David, saying, Why do the nations strive, and why do the nations plan for vain things.

The kings of the world rise together, and the rulers gather together to resist the Lord and his anointed one. (Or Christ)

Herod and Pontius Pilate, as well as the Gentiles and the people of Israel, have indeed gathered in this city to attack your holy servant Jesus, whom you have anointed.

Achieve what your hands and intentions have predetermined.

They threaten us, now I pray the Lord to observe. On the one hand, I will make your servant boldly speak your way, and on the other hand, I will stretch out your hand to heal the disease, and to perform miracles and wonders in the name of your holy servant Jesus.

After praying, the gathering place trembled, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking boldly about the word of God.

Many of those who believe are wholeheartedly devoted, and no one says that one of their things is their own, and they are all shared by everyone.

The apostles have great power to witness the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Everyone also received great kindness.

There was not a shortage in it either, because everyone sold all their land and houses, brought the silver they had sold, and placed it at the feet of the apostles.

Distribute to each person what they need.

There was a Levite named Joseph born in Cyprus, and the apostles called him Barnabas. (Barnabas flipped it out, it’s a consolation.).

He had a field and also sold it, bringing the price of silver and placing it at the feet of the apostles.

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