Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 15
A few people came down from Judea and taught their brothers, saying, If you do not undergo circumcision according to the rules of Moses, you cannot be saved.
Paul and Barnabas had a great dispute and debate with them, and the disciples made a rule that Paul, Barnabas, and some members of the council should go up to Jerusalem to see the apostles and elders regarding the matter being debated.
So the church sent them on their journey, and they passed through Phoenicia and Samaria, proclaiming everywhere the return of the Gentiles to the Lord, which greatly pleased all the brothers.
When they arrived in Jerusalem, the church, apostles, and elders received them, and they recounted all the things God had done with them.
Only a few believers from the Pharisee sect stood up and said, ‘It is necessary to circumcise the Gentiles and command them to abide by the law of Moses.’.
The apostles and elders gathered together to discuss this matter.
After much debate, Peter stood up and said, Brothers, you know that God has already chosen me among you, so that the Gentiles may hear the word of the gospel from my mouth and believe it.
God, who knows the heart, also bears witness to them. Give them the Holy Spirit, just as it is given to us.
And through faith, they purified their hearts and did not distinguish between them and us.
Why tempt God now to place a yoke that our ancestors and we cannot bear on the necks of our disciples?
We are saved by the grace of the Lord Jesus, just like them, and this is what we believe.
Everyone remained silent, listening to Barnabas and Paul recounting the miracles and wonders that God had done among the Gentiles through them.
When they were silent, Jacob said, “Brothers, please listen to my words.”.
Just now Simon recounted how God had favored the Gentiles and had chosen the people from among them to belong to his own name
The words of the prophets also align with this meaning.
As it is written in the scripture, I will come back from now on and rebuild the tent that David collapsed, and rebuild and establish what was destroyed.
Let the remaining seek the Lord, even all the Gentiles who are called by my name.
This is what the Lord has said since the creation of the world, who has revealed this matter.
So in my opinion, we must not make it difficult for the Gentiles who submit to God.
Just write a letter instructing them to abstain from the filth and adultery of their idols, and to strangle livestock and blood.
For the Book of Moses has been preached in every city since ancient times, and is read in the synagogue every Sabbath.
At that time, the apostles, elders, and the whole church decided to select people from among them and send them along with Paul and Barnabas to Antioch. The chosen ones are Judah and Selah, who are called Bazabah. These two are leaders among the brothers.
So he wrote a letter to deliver it to them, saying, Greetings to the brothers of Antioch, Syria, and the Gentiles, the apostles and elders.
We have heard that a few people have gone out from us, disturbing you with words and confusing your hearts. There is an ancient scroll that states that you must undergo circumcision and abide by the law of Moses. Actually, we didn’t instruct them.
So we agreed with one heart to choose a few people and send them to you with our beloved Barnabas and Paul.
These two people are disregarding their lives for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We have sent Judah and Silah, and they will also tell these things with their own mouths.
Because the Holy Spirit and we have determined not to place any other burden on you. There are only a few things that are indispensable,
It is to abstain from offerings to idols and blood, as well as strangled livestock and adultery. It would be great if you could abstain from these things on your own. May you all be safe.
After they were sent, they went down to Antioch, gathered the people, and delivered letters.
After reading it, everyone rejoiced because of the comforting words in the letter.
Judah and Silas were also prophets, and they encouraged their brothers with many words, strengthening them.
After staying for a while, the brothers sent them back to the person who sent them in peace. (There are ancient scrolls here)
Only Silla decided to stay there
But Paul and Barnabas still lived in Antioch, teaching and preaching the word of the Lord with many others.
After a while, Paul said to Barnabas, “Let’s go back to the cities where the Lord preached before and see how the brothers are doing.”.
Barnabas intended to bring John, who was called Mark, with him.
But Paul, because Mark had left them in Pamphylia before and did not go to work with them, thought he should not take him.
So the two of them argued and even separated from each other. Barnabas and Mark took a boat to Jubilee.
Paul chose Silas and went out, being entrusted by the brothers to the grace of the Lord.
He traveled throughout Syria, Kirica, and strengthened all the churches.