
Acts of the Apostles_Chapter 22

Ladies and gentlemen, please listen. I now have a separate lawsuit against you.

The crowd became even quieter when they heard him speaking Hebrew.

Paul said, I am a Jew, born in Tarsus of Cilicia, raised in this city under the door of Gamaliel, taught according to the strict law of our ancestors, and serve God with enthusiasm, as you all do today.

I also persecuted those who followed this way until death, locking them up and taking them down to prison, both men and women.

This is something that the high priest and all the elders can testify to me. I also received letters from them to my brothers and went to Damascus to lock up those who were there to serve this way and bring them to Jerusalem for punishment.

I was about to arrive in Damascus, and as I was leaving, around noon, suddenly a bright light shone from the sky, illuminating me from all sides.

I fell to the ground and heard a voice say to me, Saul, why do you persecute me.

I answered, Lord, who are you? He said, I am Jesus the Nazarene whom you have persecuted.

The people walking with me saw the light, but did not hear the voice speaking to me.

I said, Lord, what do I do. The Lord said, Get up and go into Damascus, where I will tell you all the things that I have sent you to do.

I cannot see because of the glory of that light, so those who walked with me took my hand and entered Damascus.

There was a man named Ananias who was devout according to the law and praised all the Jews who lived there.

He came to see me and stood beside me, saying to me, Brother Saul, you can see. I looked up and saw him.

He also said, The God of our ancestors has chosen you to understand his will, and to see the righteous one and hear the voice of his mouth.

For you will bear witness against all men against what you see and hear.

Why are you delaying now? Get up, call on his name to be baptized, wash away your sins.

Later, when I returned to Jerusalem and prayed in the temple, my soul wandered outside the elephant,

I saw the Lord say to me, ‘Quickly leave Jerusalem, do not delay, for the testimony you have given me will not be received by those here.’.

I said, Lord, they know that I once imprisoned those who believed in you, and whipped them in every synagogue.

And when your witness Stephen was killed and shed blood, I also stood by and rejoiced. And guard the clothes of those who killed him.

The Lord said to me, go ahead. I will send you far away to the Gentiles.

When the crowd heard him say these words, they shouted loudly, ‘Get rid of such a person from the world.’. He is not meant to live.

Everyone shouted, throwing off their clothes and throwing dust into the air.

The commander ordered Paul to be brought into the barracks and asked to be interrogated with whips, to understand why they were shouting at him like this.

Just as he was tying it with a thong, Paul said to the centurion standing next to him, “Is it a custom for you to whip a man who is Roman and has not been convicted?”?

When the centurion heard these words, he went to see the centurion and told him, ‘What are you going to do?’? This person is Roman.

The centurion came and asked Paul, “Tell me, are you a Roman?”? Paul said, Yes.

The commander said, “I spent a lot of money to become a citizen of Rome.”. Paul said, I was born to be.

So those who wanted to interrogate Paul left him. The centurion knew that he was a Roman, but he was also afraid because he had bound him.

The next day, the commander, in order to know the truth about the Jews accusing Paul, untied him and ordered the chief priests and all the members of the council to gather and bring Paul down, so that he could stand before them.

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