
The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 16

After the Sabbath, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of Jacob, and Salome bought ointment to go and anoint the body of Jesus.

On the first morning of the seventh day, when the sun was setting, they arrived at the grave.

They said to each other, “Who will roll the stone away from the tomb door for us?”?

The stone used to be very big, but when they looked up, they saw that it had already rolled away.

They entered the grave and saw a young man sitting on the right, wearing a white robe. I was very frightened.

The young man said to them, don’t be frightened. You are searching for Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified. He has been resurrected and is not here. Please see where he is placed.

You can go and tell his disciples and Peter that he will go to Galilee before you. There you shall see him, as he told you before.

They came out and ran away from the grave. Trembling and surprised, he didn’t tell anyone anything. Because they are afraid.

On the early morning of the first day of the seven days, Jesus was resurrected and appeared first to Mary Magdalene. Jesus once drove out seven demons from her.

She went to tell the person who had always followed Jesus. At that time, they were mourning and crying.

They heard that Jesus was alive and was seen by Mary, but they did not believe.

After this, two of the disciples went to the countryside. As he walked, Jesus changed his form and appeared to them,

They went and told the other disciples. The other disciples also did not believe.

Later, while the eleven disciples were sitting at the table, Jesus appeared to them and rebuked them for not believing and for being stubborn in their hearts. Because they do not believe those who saw him after his resurrection.

And he said to them, Go down to the whole world and preach the gospel to all the people. (The original text of the people states that all things are created)

Those who believe and are baptized will surely be saved. Those who do not believe will be convicted.

Those who believe will have miracles following them, driving out demons in my name. Speak a new dialect.

You can hold a snake in your hand. If you drink any poison, you will not be harmed. If you press the patient with your hand, they will surely recover.

After Jesus had finished speaking to them, he was later taken to heaven and sat on the right side of God.

The disciples went out and preached the gospel everywhere, and the Lord worked with them, following with miracles to confirm the word being preached. Amen.

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