
The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 7

The Pharisees and several scribes gathered at Jesus from Jerusalem.

They once saw some of his disciples eating with unclean hands.

(For the Pharisees and the Jews have followed the tradition of the ancients, and if they do not wash their hands carefully, they will not eat.).

From the market, if they don’t take a bath or eat, there are many other rules that they have followed throughout history, including washing cups, jars, copperware, and other objects.

The Pharisees and the scribes asked him, “Why don’t your disciples eat with vulgar hands, following the tradition of the ancients?”?

Jesus said, The prophecy that Isaiah prophesied of you hypocrites is good, as it is said in the scripture, This people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

They treat human commands as teachings, so worshipping me is in vain.

You are abandoning the commandments of God and holding onto human heritage.

And he said, Truly ye have abandoned the commandments of God, and have kept your own heritage.

Moses said, show filial piety to your parents. And he said, Whoever curses his parents shall be put to death.

But you say, if a person says to their parents, ‘What I am supposed to offer to you has already been made into ear plates,’ which means offering

In the future, you will not allow him to support his parents anymore.

This is how you inherit the inheritance and abolish the way of God. You still do many such things.

Jesus called the crowd again and said to them, “Listen to my words and understand.”.

Those who enter from the outside cannot defile a person, but those who come out from the inside can defile a person. There are ancient scrolls here,

If you have ears to listen to, you should listen.

When Jesus left the crowd and entered the room, his disciples asked him the meaning of this parable.

Jesus said to them, Do you also not understand like this? Do you not know that anyone who enters from outside cannot defile people.

Because it didn’t enter his heart, but into his belly, and then fell into the toilet. This means that all kinds of food are clean.

And it is said that only those who come out of people can defile them.

Because from within, it is from the human heart that evil thoughts and promiscuity arise,

Thief, murder, adultery, greed, evil, deceit, debauchery, jealousy, slander??, Pride, arrogance.

All these evils come from within and can defile people.

Jesus stood up from there and went into the territory of Tyre and Sidon. Entered a house, unwilling to be known, but unable to hide.

At that moment, there was a woman whose youngest daughter was possessed by an unclean spirit. When she heard about Jesus, she came and fell at his feet.

This woman is a Greek, belonging to the Syrophoenician tribe. She begged Jesus to drive out the demon and leave her daughter.

Jesus said to her, “Let your children eat first.”. It’s not good to throw children’s cakes to dogs.

The woman replied, “Lord, it’s good.”. But the dog is under the table, also eating the children’s crumbs.

Jesus said to her, “Go back because of these words.”. The ghost has already left your daughter.

She went home and saw the child lying in bed, with the ghost already out.

Jesus left the territory of Tyre again, passed through Sidon, and came from the territory of Decapolis to the Sea of Galilee.

Someone came to Jesus with a deaf and tongue tied person, begging him to lay his hand on him.

Jesus led him away from the crowd and went aside. He poked his ears with his fingers and spat on his tongue,

Looking up at the sky, he sighed and said to him, “Ephraim is great, that is to say, let it be opened.”.

His ears opened, his tongue knot loosened, and he spoke clearly.

Jesus instructed them not to tell anyone. But the more he instructed, the more they spread it.

The crowd was particularly amazed, saying, All that he has done is good. He even made the deaf hear them, and the mute made them speak.

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