
The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 4

Jesus also taught by the sea. Many people gathered at his place, so he had to board the boat and sit down. The ship is in the sea, and everyone is standing on the shore near the sea.

Jesus taught them many things through parables. Between lessons, tell them,

Listen to me. There is a sower. Go out and sow.

When scattering, some fell by the roadside, and the birds came and ate them up.

Some fall on shallow soil and rocky ground, where the soil is neither deep nor the seedlings grow the fastest.

When the sun rises, it withers because there are no roots.

Some fell into thorns, but when the thorns grew and squeezed them, they did not bear fruit.

Some fell into good soil and grew up, producing thirty times, sixty times, and a hundred times more fruit.

And he said, If there are ears to hear, let them hear.

When there was no one around, the people who followed Jesus and the twelve disciples asked him the meaning of this parable.

Jesus said to them, “The mystery of the kingdom of God is only known to you. If it is told to outsiders, all things will be told in parables.”.

Tell them to see, but not know. I hear, but I don’t understand. I’m afraid if they turn around, they will have to be pardoned.

And he said to them, Do you not understand this metaphor? How can we understand all metaphors like this?

What the sower sows is the way.

Those who were scattered by the roadside were the ones who heard the word, and Satan immediately came and took away the word scattered in his heart.

The one scattered on the rocky ground is the one who immediately receives it with joy upon hearing the word.

But he had no roots in his heart, it was only temporary, and when he encountered trouble or persecution for the Way, he immediately fell.

And the one scattered among thorns is the one who hears the word.

Later, there were worldly considerations, confusion of money, and other selfish desires that came in and squeezed the way, making it impossible to be firm.

The one sown on the good ground is the one who hears, receives, and bears fruit, thirty times, sixty times, and a hundred times.

Jesus said to them again, “Do people bring lamps to be placed under the bushel, under the bed, and not on the lampstand?”?

Because there is nothing hidden that cannot be hidden. There is nothing hidden that cannot be revealed.

If you have ears to listen to, you should listen.

He also said that you should pay attention to what you hear. Whatever measuring instrument you use to measure people, you will also use the same measuring instrument to measure you, and you will be given more.

Because some still need to be given to him. Nothing, even what he has to take away.

And he said, The kingdom of God is like a man who sows seed on the earth,

Sleeping at night and waking up by day, this sprouts and grows, but the person doesn’t know how to do it.

The five grains born on the earth are from nature. First sprout, then grow ears, and finally form full grains on the ears.

When the grain is ripe, use a sickle to cut it, because the harvest time has arrived.

And he said, What comparison can we make of the kingdom of God? What metaphors can be used to indicate it?

It’s like a mustard seed, when planted in the field, even though it’s smaller than a hundred varieties on the ground,

But after planting it, it grows bigger than all kinds of vegetables and grows big branches. Even the birds in the sky can stay under its shade.

Jesus preached to them with many such metaphors, as far as they could hear.

If we don’t use metaphors, we won’t tell them. When there was no one, he preached all the words to his disciples.

That night, Jesus said to his disciples, “Let’s cross over to that side.”.

When the disciples left the crowd, Jesus was still in the boat, and they took him with them. There are also other ships accompanying him.

Suddenly, a storm broke out, and the waves drove into the ship, even filling it with water.

Jesus was sleeping on a pillow at the stern of the ship. The disciples woke him up and said, Master, do you not care if we perish?

Jesus woke up and rebuked the wind, saying to the sea, Stay still, be still. The wind stopped and greatly calmed down.

Jesus said to them, Why are you afraid. Do you still lack confidence?

They were greatly afraid and said to each other, Who is this? Even the wind and the sea have obeyed him.

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