
The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 9

Jesus said to them again, Truly I tell you, some of you who stand here will see the kingdom of God with great power before they taste death.

After six days, Jesus secretly took Peter, James, and John up a high mountain and transformed himself before them.

The clothes shine brightly and are extremely white. No one on the ground can float so white.

Suddenly, Elijah and Moses appeared to them. And speak to Jesus.

Peter said to Jesus, Rabbi, (who is the Master) it is good for us to be here. You can build three tents, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.

Peter doesn’t know what to say. Because they are very afraid,

There is a cloud to cover them. There is also a voice coming out of the clouds, saying, This is my beloved son, you must listen to him.

The disciples suddenly looked around and saw no one again, only Jesus with them.

As they descended from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Before the Son of Man is risen from the dead, do not tell anyone what you have seen.

The disciples kept these words in their hearts and discussed with each other the meaning of resurrection from the dead.

They asked Jesus why the scribes said, Elijah must come first.

Jesus said, “Of course Elijah came first and restored all things.”. Does the scripture not point to the Son of Man, saying that he will suffer greatly and be despised?

I tell you, Elijah has come, and they will do to him as they please, just as the scripture says about him.

When Jesus arrived at his disciples, he saw many people surrounding them, and scribes debating with them.

When everyone saw Jesus, they were all amazed and ran up to greet him.

Jesus asked them, “What are you debating with them?”.

One of the people answered, “Master, I have brought my son to you, and he has been possessed by a mute ghost.”.

Wherever the ghost teases him and throws him down, he foams in his mouth, grits his teeth, and his body withers. I have asked your disciples to drive the ghost out, but they cannot.

Jesus said, O unbelieving generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I endure you? Bring him to me.

They brought him along. As soon as he saw Jesus, the demon made him go insane heavily. Falling to the ground, tossing and turning, with foam flowing from the mouth.

Jesus asked his father, “How many days did he have this disease?”? Answer: When I was young.

The ghost repeatedly threw him into the fire and water to destroy him. If there is anything you can do, please have mercy on us and help us.

Jesus said to him, “If you can believe, everything is possible for those who believe.”.

The father of the child immediately shouted, “I believe.”. But I don’t believe enough, please help me. (There is an ancient scroll that cries out in tears at once)

When Jesus saw everyone running up, he rebuked the unclean spirit and said, “You deaf and mute demon, I command you to come out of him and not enter again.”.

The ghost shouted, causing the child to go crazy and then came out. The child seemed to be dead, so much so that most people said he was dead.

But Jesus took his hand and helped him up, and he stood up.

When Jesus entered the room, his disciples secretly asked him, “Why can’t we drive him out?”?

Jesus said, Without prayer, demons like this cannot come out. (Or unable to drive him out)

They left the place and passed through Galilee. Jesus did not want people to know.

So he taught his disciples, saying, The Son of Man shall be delivered into the hands of men, and they shall kill him. After being killed, he will be resurrected in three days.

But the disciples did not understand these words and dared not ask him.

They arrived at Capernaum. Jesus asked his disciples in the room, “What are you discussing on the way?”.

The disciples remained silent because they were arguing with each other on the way about who was greater.

Jesus sat down and called for the twelve disciples, saying, If anyone is willing to be the first, he will be the last of all and the servant of all.

So he brought a child and asked him to stand among the disciples. He picked him up again and said to them,

Whoever receives a child like this in my name is the one who receives me. Whoever receives me does not receive me, but receives the one who sent me.

John said to Jesus, Master, we saw a man driving out demons in your name, and we forbade him because he did not follow us.

Jesus said, Do not prohibit him. Because no one can perform miracles in my name, but instead easily slander me.

Those who are not able to resist us are those who help us.

I tell you the truth, whoever gives you a cup of water to drink because you are of Christ cannot be denied a reward.

It is better for anyone who causes this little one who believes in me to fall than to tie a large millstone around his neck and throw it into the sea.

If one of your hands causes you to fall, cut it off.

It is better for you to enter eternal life without limbs than to have two hands and fall into hell, into the eternal fire.

If one of your feet causes you to fall, cut it off.

It is better for you to enter eternal life with a limp than to have two feet thrown into hell.

If one eye causes you to fall, remove it. It is better for you to enter the kingdom of God with only one eye than to have two eyes thrown into hell.

Insects do not die there, and fire does not extinguish.

Because fire will be used as salt to marinate everyone. (There are ancient scrolls here, and all sacrifices must be marinated with salt)

Salt is good, but if it loses its flavor, what can it be called salty again? You should have salt in you, and be at peace with each other.

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