
The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 5

They came to the other side of the sea, where the Graysons lived.

As soon as Jesus got out of the boat, a man with an evil spirit came out of the tomb to meet him.

That person often lives in the tomb, and no one can tie him up, even with iron chains.

Because people repeatedly tied him with ankle shackles and iron chains, the iron chains were broken by him, and the ankle shackles were also broken by him. No one can subdue him.

He often shouts in the tombs and mountains day and night, and chops himself with stones.

He saw Jesus from afar and ran over to worship him.

Crying loudly, Jesus, son of the Most High God, what have I to do with you. I plead with God not to make me suffer.

Because Jesus once commanded him, saying, O unclean spirit, come out of this man.

Jesus asked him, “What is your name?”. Answer: My name is Qun because there are many of us.

He repeatedly begged Jesus not to let them leave that place.

On the hillside there, there is a large group of pigs eating.

And the demons begged Jesus, saying, Send us into the herd of pigs to attach pigs.

Jesus granted them permission. The dirty ghost comes out and enters the pig. So the group of pigs rushed down the cliff, threw themselves into the sea, and drowned. The number of pigs is about two thousand.

The pig herder ran away and went to tell the people in the city and countryside. Everyone came to see what was going on.

They came to Jesus and saw the person who had been possessed by demons, who had been possessed by the demons before, sitting and putting on clothes, understanding in their hearts. They are afraid.

And when he saw this, he told the people what had happened to the demon possessed man and about the herd of pigs.

The crowd begged Jesus to leave their territory.

When Jesus boarded the ship, the person who had been possessed by demons begged to be with Jesus.

Jesus did not allow it, but he said to him, Go home to your relatives and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you and how he has shown mercy to you.

The man left and proclaimed in Decapolis what great things Jesus had done for him, and everyone was amazed.

Jesus sailed over to the other side, and many people gathered around him. He is on the beach.

A man named Jairus, who was in charge of the synagogue, came to Jesus and fell at his feet,

I begged him repeatedly, saying, My youngest daughter is about to die. Please go and place your hand on her, so that she can recover and live.

Jesus went with him, and many people followed and crowded him.

There is a woman who has been suffering from blood leakage for twelve years,

In the hands of many doctors, they have suffered a lot. She spent all her money again, but it didn’t improve at all. Instead, her illness worsened.

When she heard about Jesus, she came from behind and mixed among the crowd, touching his clothes.

The meaning is, if I only touch his clothes, I will be healed.

So the source of her blood leakage immediately went to work. She felt that her illness had healed.

Jesus suddenly felt the power to go out of himself in his heart, so he turned around among the crowd and said, “Who touched my clothes?”.

His disciples said to him, “Look at the crowd crowding over you, are you still saying who touched me?”?

Jesus looked around to see the woman who had done this.

The woman, knowing what had happened to her, came and knelt down before Jesus with fear and trembling, telling him the whole truth.

Jesus said to her, Daughter, your faith has saved you. Go back in peace. Your disaster has healed.

While still speaking, someone came from the house in charge of the synagogue and said, “Your daughter is dead, why bother working, sir?”?

When Jesus heard what was said, he said to the ruler of the synagogue, Do not be afraid. Just believe it.

So he took Peter, Jacob, and Jacob’s brother John with him, and did not allow anyone to follow him.

They came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue, and Jesus saw a commotion there, with a great number of people weeping and wailing.

Entering inside, he said to them, “Why are you shouting and crying?”? The child is not dead, but asleep.

They mocked Jesus. Jesus drove them all out and brought the children’s parents and those who were with him into the place where the children were.

Just hold the child’s hand and say to her, Dali Dagumi. Flip it out, that is to say, girl, I command you to get up.

The girl immediately got up and walked. They were greatly surprised. My daughter is already twelve years old.

Jesus sternly charged them not to let anyone know this matter. Also ordered to give her something to eat.

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