
The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 11

Jesus and his disciples approached Jerusalem and arrived at Bethphage and Bethany at the Mount of Olives. And Jesus sent two disciples,

Tell them to go to the opposite village. When you enter, you will see a donkey foal tied there, which has never been ridden before. You can untie the pull.

If anyone says to you, ‘Why are you doing this?’. You can say that it is mainly used. That person will immediately be brought by you.

They went and saw a donkey foal tied to the street outside the door, so they untied it.

Some of the people standing there said, “What are you doing to untie the donkey foal?”.

The disciples answered according to what Jesus had said, and those people let them lead them away.

They brought the donkey foal to Jesus and put their clothes on it, and Jesus rode on it.

Many people lay their clothes on the road, while others cut down branches from the fields and spread them on the road.

Those who followed before and after shouted, “Hosanna, who came in the name of the Lord, is to be praised.”.

Praise be to the kingdom of my father David, who is about to come. High above, with Sana.

Jesus entered Jerusalem and the temple, looking around at all kinds of objects. As it was getting late, he and his twelve disciples went out of the city to Bethany.

The next day, they came out of Bethany. Jesus was hungry,

If you see a fig tree from a distance with leaves, go there or find something on the tree. Under the tree, I couldn’t find anything, but there were leaves. Because it’s not the time to harvest figs.

Jesus said to the tree, From now on, no one will ever eat your fruit. His disciples also heard it.

They came to Jerusalem, and Jesus entered the temple, driving out those who were engaged in buying and selling in the temple. He pushed down the tables of those who exchanged silver and the stools of those who sold pigeons.

No one is allowed to pass through the temple with utensils.

And he taught them, saying, Is it not written in the scripture that my temple shall be called the temple of prayer for all nations? You have turned it into a den of thieves.

When the chief priests and scribes heard these words, they thought of ways to destroy Jesus. But he was also afraid of him, because everyone was amazed by his teachings.

Every night, Jesus goes out of the city.

In the morning, they passed by and saw that the fig tree had dried up even its roots.

Peter remembered the words of Jesus and said to him, Rabbi, look, the fig tree that you cursed has withered.

Jesus answered and said, Believe in God.

I tell you the truth, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Move this place and throw it into the sea.’. If he has no doubt in his heart and only believes that what he says will be done, then it will be done for him.

So I tell you, whatever you pray for, as long as you believe that you have received it, you will receive it.

When you stand and pray, if you remember that someone has offended you, forgive them, so that your Father in heaven may also forgive your sins.

If you do not forgive people, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins. (There are ancient scrolls without this section)

They came to Jerusalem again. As Jesus walked in the temple, the chief priests, scribes, and elders came forward,

Ask him, ‘What authority do you rely on to do these things?’? Who gave you this authority?

Jesus said to them, “I will ask you one question, answer me, and I will tell you by what authority I do these things.”.

Is John’s baptism from heaven or from man? You can answer me.

They discussed with each other and said, “If we say we come from heaven, he will say, ‘Why don’t you believe him?'”?

If one comes from the world, yet fears the people. Because everyone truly regarded John as a prophet.

So he answered Jesus, saying, We do not know. Jesus said, I will not tell you by what authority I do these things.

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