
The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 8

At that time, many people gathered and had nothing to eat. Jesus called his disciples and said,

I have mercy on these people, because they have been here with me for three days and have nothing to eat.

If I send them home hungry, they will become weary on the way. Because some of them come from afar.

The disciples replied, “Where can we get bread in this wilderness to satisfy these people?”?

Jesus asked them, “How many cakes do you have?”? They said, seven.

He ordered everyone to sit on the ground, took these seven loaves, gave thanks, broke them open, and handed them to his disciples to set them apart. His disciples then set them before the crowd.

There are a few more small fish. Jesus blessed and ordered to be set before the crowd as well.

Everyone ate and was full. Pack up the remaining fragments, there are seven baskets.

The number of people is about four thousand. Jesus sent them away,

Immediately, they boarded the ship with their disciples and arrived in the territory of Damantha.

The Pharisees came out and questioned Jesus, asking him to show them a miracle from heaven, in order to test him.

Jesus sighed deeply in his heart and said, “Why does this generation seek miracles?”? I tell you the truth, there is no miracle for this generation to see.

He left them and boarded the ship to the other side of the sea.

The disciples forgot to bring bread. There is no other food on the ship except for a cake.

Jesus charged them, saying, Be careful and beware of the yeast of the Pharisees and the yeast of Herod.

They discussed with each other and said, “This is because we don’t have any bread, right?”.

Jesus saw it and said, “Why do you discuss because there is no bread?”? You still don’t understand, don’t you? Are your hearts still foolish?

Do you have eyes that cannot see? Have ears, can’t you hear? Don’t you remember either?

I broke open those five cakes and divided them among five thousand people. How many baskets did you fill with the scattered pieces you picked up? They said, twelve.

And he broke open the seven loaves and divided them among the four thousand people. How many baskets have you filled with the scattered pieces you have picked up? They said, seven.

Jesus said, Do you still not understand?

They arrived at Bethsaida, and someone brought a blind man and begged Jesus to touch him.

Jesus took the blind man by the hand and led him outside the village. He spat in his eyes, put his hand on him, and asked him, “What did you see?”.

He looked up and said, I saw someone. They look like trees and walk.

Then he placed his hand on his eyes again, and upon closer inspection, he regained his composure and could see everything clearly.

Jesus sent him home, saying, Do not even enter this village.

Jesus and his disciples went out to the villages of Caesarea Philippi. On the way, he asked his disciples, “Who do people say I am?”.

They said, Some say it is John the Baptist. Someone said, it’s Elijah. Some say it is one of the prophets.

And he asked them again, Who do you say I am. Peter replied, “You are the Christ.”.

Jesus forbade them not to tell anyone.

From then on, he taught them that the Son of Man must suffer a lot, be rejected by elders, priests, and scribes, and be killed, and be resurrected after three days.

Jesus spoke these words clearly, and Peter took him by his side and advised him.

Jesus turned around and looked at his disciples. He rebuked Peter and said, “Satan, leave me behind.”. Because you don’t care about the meaning of God, only care about the meaning of people.

So he called the crowd and his disciples and said to them, “If anyone wants to follow me, let them give up themselves and take up their cross to follow me.”.

For anyone who wants to save their own life will lose their life. Anyone who loses their life for me and the gospel will save their life.

What is the benefit of a person earning the whole world and losing their own life?

What else can a person exchange for life?

Anyone who considers me and my way shameful in this lascivious and sinful generation, and the Son of Man, when he comes with the Holy Angel in the glory of his father, will also consider that person shameful.

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