首页 The Gospel of Mark The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 6

The Gospel of Mark_Chapter 6

Jesus left there and came to his hometown. His disciples also followed him. On the Sabbath…

Jesus left there and came to his hometown. His disciples also followed him.

On the Sabbath, he taught in the synagogue. And when they heard it, they were greatly surprised, saying, Where did this man come from? What wisdom was bestowed upon him? What kind of superpower is what his hands are capable of?

Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t it Mary’s son, the elder brother of Jacob, Josiah, Judah, and Simon? Isn’t his sisters also here with us? They despised him. (Disliking his original work because he fell)

Jesus said to them, “There is no prophet who is not respected, except for his own country, relatives, and family.”.

Jesus did not perform any miracles there, but he placed his hands on a few patients and healed them.

He was also surprised that they didn’t believe him, so he went to the surrounding countryside to teach people.

Jesus called twelve disciples and sent them out two by two. And give them authority to subdue evil spirits.

And he instructed them not to bring food or pockets, and not to carry money in their waist pockets, and not to bring anything except crutches when traveling.

Just wear shoes. Don’t wear two pendants either.

And he said to them, Wherever you go into a man’s house, stay there until you leave that place.

Wherever they do not receive or listen to you, when you leave, shake off the dust from your feet as a witness to them.

And the disciples went out, preaching to repent.

And he drove out many demons, and anointed many sick people with oil, healing them.

The reputation of Jesus spread. When King Herod heard this, he said, John the Baptist has been resurrected from the dead, so these miracles have come out of him.

But others say it’s Elijah. Some say, it is a prophet, just like one of the prophets.

When Herod heard it, he said, John, whom I beheaded, has been resurrected.

Firstly, Herod sent someone to capture John and lock him in prison because of Herodias, the wife of his brother Philip, because Herod had already married that woman.

John once said to Herod, “It is unreasonable for you to marry your brother’s wife.”.

So Herodias harbored hatred towards him and wanted to kill him. It’s just not possible.

Because Herod knew that John was a righteous and holy man, he feared him and protected him. Listen to his lectures and follow his example. And willing to listen to him. (Following the ancient scrolls and wandering around)

One day, it happened to be Herod’s birthday. Herod set up a banquet and invited ministers, commanders, and Galilee as the leader.

The daughter of Herodias came in to dance, causing joy for Herod and his companions. The king said to the woman, Whatever you ask of me, I will give it to you.

And he swore to her, saying, Whatever you ask of me, even half of my kingdom, I will give it to you.

She went out and said to her mother, “What can I ask for?”? Her mother said, John the Baptist’s head.

She quickly went in to the king and begged him, saying, ‘I wish the king would immediately put the head of John the Baptist in a plate for me.’.

The king was deeply saddened. But because of his oath and because of the people at the table, he refused to refuse.

Immediately, a guard was sent and ordered to take John’s head. The guards went to the prison and beheaded John,

Put your head on a plate and give it to the woman, who will give it to her mother.

When John’s disciples heard this, they came and buried the leader of his body in a tomb.

The apostles gathered to Jesus and told him everything they did and the word they preached.

He said, “Come and secretly go with me to the wilderness to rest.”. This is because there are many people coming and going, and they don’t even have time to eat.

They took a boat and secretly headed towards the wilderness.

When the crowd saw them going, many who knew them walked from all the cities and ran there together, arriving before them.

When Jesus came out and saw many people, he showed mercy to them. Because they are like sheep without a shepherd. So he spoke up and taught them many truths.

It’s already late, and the disciples came forward and said, “This is a wilderness. It’s already late.”,

Please ask everyone to disperse so that they can go to the surrounding countryside and buy their own food.

Jesus replied, “Give them food.”. And his disciples said, Shall we go and buy twenty taels of silver bread for them to eat?

Jesus said, “How many cakes do you have? Go and see.”. They found out and said, five cakes, two fish.

Jesus instructed them to have everyone sit on the green grass, one by one.

Everyone sat down in rows, one hundred and one rows, and fifty one rows.

Jesus took these five loaves and two fish, looked up to heaven and blessed them. He broke open the loaves and handed them to his disciples before the crowd. Also distribute those two fish to everyone.

They all ate and were full.

And the disciples gathered up the broken bread and fish, and filled twelve baskets.

There are five thousand men eating cakes.

Jesus immediately urged his disciples to board the ship and cross over to Bethsaida on the other side, waiting for him to disperse the crowd.

After bidding farewell to them, he went up to the mountain to pray.

At night, the ship was in the sea, and Jesus was alone on the shore.

Seeing the disciples, they suffered greatly from rowing due to the unfavorable wind. At night, about four o’clock, I walked towards them on the sea, intending to pass by them.

But when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they thought it was a ghost and shouted.

Because they all saw him and were very panicked. Jesus quickly said to them, “Rest assured.”. It’s me, don’t be afraid.

So I got on the boat with them, and the wind stopped. They were very surprised in their hearts.

This is because they don’t understand the matter of dividing the cake, and their hearts are still foolish.

After crossing over and arriving at the place of Genesareth, he leaned on the shore.

As soon as they got off the ship, everyone recognized him as Jesus.

So he ran all over the area and heard where he was. He carried the sick person there with a mat.

Wherever Jesus went, whether in villages, cities, or rural areas, they put sick people in the streets and begged Jesus to only allow them to touch his clothes?? Zi. Anyone who touches it will be fine.


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