
The Book of Daniel_Chapter 9

In the first year of the reign of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, a member of the tribe of the Medes, he became the king of the Chaldeans,

In the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, learned from a book that the word of the Lord came to Jeremiah the prophet, concerning the number of years of desolation in Jerusalem, which was seventy years.

I fasted, covered in linen and dust, and determined to pray and plead with the Lord God.

I pray to the Lord my God, confess my sins, and say, Lord, great and terrible God, keep the covenant and show mercy to those who love the Lord and keep his commandments.

We have sinned and done evil, rebelled and deviated from your commandments and laws,

I did not listen to the words of your servants, the prophets, and all the people of the land that were spoken in your name to our kings, leaders, ancestors, and all the people of the land.

Lord, you are righteous, we are ashamed on our faces. Because we, the Jews, the residents of Jerusalem, and all Israel, who were driven by you to various countries, whether near or far away, have all sinned against you, just as we have done today.

Lord, we and our kings, leaders, and ancestors have all been ashamed because we have offended you.

The Lord our God is merciful and forgiving, but we have disobeyed him,

Nor did we obey the voice of the Lord our God, nor did we follow the law that he had proclaimed to us through his servants the prophets.

All Israel has violated your law and deviated from your words. Therefore, the curses and oaths written in the law of your servant Moses are poured upon us, because we have sinned against God.

He brought great calamity upon us and fulfilled the words of warning and judgment against our rulers. For there has never been anything done under heaven like what was done in Jerusalem.

All these calamities have come upon us, as written in the law of Moses, but we have not sought the grace of the Lord our God, that we may turn away from sin and understand your truth.

Therefore the Lord is mindful that this calamity may come upon us, for the Lord our God is righteous in all his ways. We did not listen to his words.

Lord our God, you have led your people out of the land of Egypt with a strong hand, giving yourself a name, just as it is today. We have committed crimes and committed evil.

Lord, according to your great righteousness and righteousness, turn your anger and wrath away from your city Jerusalem, which is your holy mountain. Jerusalem and your people have been humiliated by those around us because of our sins and the sins of our ancestors.

Our God, now hear the prayer and supplication of your servant, and make your face shine upon your desolate sanctuary.

My God, turn your ear to listen, open your eyes to see, and visit our desolate land and the city called by your name. We plead before you not for our own righteousness, but for your great mercy.

May the Lord hear, may the Lord forgive, may the Lord agree and act, do not delay for yourself. My God, for this city and this people are called by your name.

I speak, pray, acknowledge my sins and the sins of my people Israel, and plead before the Lord my God for the holy mountain of my God.

As I was praying, Gabriel, who I had seen in the vision before, was ordered to fly quickly and lay his hand on me about to offer the evening sacrifice.

He taught me, saying, Daniel, now I have come out to give you wisdom and understanding.

When you first pleaded, you issued a command, and I came to tell you, because you are greatly loved. So you need to think clearly about these things and visions.

Seventy sevens have been established for your people and your holy city. To put an end to sin, to cleanse sin, to redeem sins, to bring forth eternal righteousness, to seal visions and prophecies, and to anoint the Holy One.

Know and understand that from the time of the commandment to rebuild Jerusalem until the time of the anointed king, there will be seven seven and sixty-two seven. During difficult times, even the streets and moats of Jerusalem will be rebuilt.

After sixty-two weeks, the anointed one will be cut off and have nothing. A king’s people will come and destroy this city and the sanctuary, and in the end it will be washed away like a flood. There will always be war, until the end, and the desolation has been settled.

Within seventeen days, he will firmly establish a covenant with many people. Seventeen and a half, he will put an end to the sacrifices and offerings. The detestable destruction that caused the land to become desolate came flying, and wrath poured out on the destruction that caused it, until the end was determined.

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