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The Book of Daniel_Chapter 11

And it is said that in the first year of King Darius of the Medes, I rose up and helped Mi…

And it is said that in the first year of King Darius of the Medes, I rose up and helped Michael, making him strong.

Now I will shew you the truth: three kings of Persia will rise up, and the fourth king will be rich and far superior to all the kings. He will become strong because of his wealth, and he will stir up the masses to attack the country of Greece.

There must be a brave king rising up, wielding great power and acting freely.

When he rises up, his kingdom will be shattered and divided towards the four directions of heaven, but it will not belong to his descendants, and the power of governance will not be equal to him. For his kingdom will be uprooted and given to those beyond his descendants.

The king of the south will be strong, and one of his commanders will be even stronger than him, wielding great power.

After some years, they will unite with each other, and the daughter of the king of the south will come and make a treaty with the king of the north. But the power of this woman’s help cannot stand, and neither the king nor the strength in which he relies can stand. This woman, along with those who guided her, gave birth to her, and those who supported her at that time, will be handed over to death.

But the root of this woman’s family will give birth to another branch to continue the throne, and she will lead an army into the stronghold of the king of the north, attacking them and winning.

And they will plunder their gods, their cast idols, and their treasures of gold and silver to Egypt. Within a few years, he did not attack the kings of the north.

The king of the north will enter the kingdom of the king of the south, but he will return to his own land.

The two sons of the king of the north will fight and gather a large army. This army will go forward like a flood, and will fight again until it reaches the fortress of the king of the south.

The king of the south will be furious and go out to fight against the king of the north, setting up a large army. The army of the king of the north will be handed over to him.

His army is proud, and his heart will also be lifted up. Although he has caused tens of thousands of people to fall, he cannot always win.

The king of the north will return and arrange a large army, more than before. After the predetermined number of years, he will lead a large army and bring a great deal of military attire.

At that time, many will rise up against the king of the south, and the oppressors of your own country will rise up to fulfill that vision, but they will perish.

The king of the north will come and build a fortress to attack the fortified city. The soldiers of the south will not be able to stand, even the chosen elite soldiers will not be able to stand.

Whoever comes to attack him will do as he pleases, and no one will be able to stand before the king of the north. He will stand in that land of glory and use his hands to destroy it.

He will surely come with the power of the whole nation, make a just covenant, and walk according to the covenant, giving his daughter to the king of the south as his wife, in order to destroy him (Egypt), but this plan will not be accomplished, and it will be of no benefit to himself.

Afterwards, he will turn back and seize many islands. But there is a great commander who takes away his shameful humiliation and makes it his own.

He will turn to the fortress of his own land, but he will stumble and fall, returning to nothingness.

At that time, there will be someone who will rise up and succeed him as king, allowing the plunderers to pass through the glory of the land. This king will perish in not many days, but not because of anger or war.

There will be a despicable person who will rise up and succeed as king, and they will not give him the glory of the kingdom, but he will use flattery to win the kingdom when people are calm and unprepared.

There will be countless armies like a flood that will not be destroyed before him. The ruler of the alliance must also be like this.

After forming an alliance with that king, he will engage in deceit, for he will come up and become strong with a small army.

When a man is calm and unprepared, he will come to the most fertile land in the land, doing things that his ancestors and his ancestors did not do. He will scatter the plunder, plunder, and treasure to the people, and design a fortress to attack, but this is temporary.

He will move forward bravely and lead a large army to attack the king of the south. The king of the south will also fight against him with a great and strong army, but he will not be able to stand, because someone has plotted against the king of the south.

Whoever eats the king’s food will corrupt him. His army will be washed away, and many will be killed.

As for these two kings, they had evil intentions in their hearts, lying at the same table, but their plans did not materialize. Because when the deadline comes, the matter is settled.

The king of the north will bring many treasures back to his own country, and his heart will oppose the covenant. He will do whatever he wants and return to his own land.

At regular intervals, he will return and come to the south. The last time was not as good as the previous time,

Because the ships of Kitty will come against him, he will be discouraged and return, and he will be angry with the covenant and do as he pleases. He will come back to contact those who have broken the covenant.

He will raise up an army, and this army will desecrate the holy land, which is the fortress. They will remove the regular burnt offerings and set up those who are detestable for destruction.

Those who do evil and violate the covenant will be tempted by clever words. Only the people who know God will be strong and forceful.

The wise among the people will teach many. However, they will fall by the sword for many days, either by fire or by plunder and plunder.

When they fell, they received a little help, but many people approached them with flattery.

Some of the wise fall down to refine the others and make them pure and pure until the end. Because when the deadline comes, the matter is settled.

The king will do whatever he wants, be arrogant and surpass all gods, and use strange words to attack the gods of all gods. He will prosper in his ways until the Lord’s wrath is completed, for the things he has set will surely come to fruition.

He will not care about the gods of his ancestors, nor will he care about the gods that women envy; he will not care about any god. Because he will be arrogant and above everything else.

He will worship the God of Guarantee, using gold, silver, precious stones, and lovely things to worship gods that his ancestors did not know.

He will rely on the help of foreign gods to break through the strongest fortress. Anyone who acknowledges him will be given glory, so that they may rule over many people and divide the land with them for bribery.

At the end, the Southern King will fight against him. The king of the north will attack him with chariots, horsemen, and many warships like a storm, and will also enter the nations like a flood.

And he will enter the land of glory, and many nations will be overthrown, but Edom, Moab, and a large part of the Ammonites will be released from his hands.

He will stretch out his hand to attack the nations. Egypt cannot be separated.

He will have control over Egypt’s gold, silver, treasures, and all kinds of treasures. The people of Lybia and Ethiopia will follow him.

But there will be news from the east and north that will disturb him, and he will go out in great anger to completely destroy many people.

He will set up his tabernacle like a palace between the sea and the beautiful holy mountain. However, in his end, no one will be able to help him.


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