
The Book of Daniel_Chapter 10

In the third year of King Cyrus of Persia, something was revealed to Daniel named Bethishazzar. This is true, it points to a great war. Daniel understood this matter and understood this vision.

At that time, Daniel was sad for three seven days.

I didn’t eat the delicious food, the wine and meat didn’t enter my mouth, nor did I use oil to wipe my body, until it was three seven days full.

On the 24th day of the first month, I was by the Great River of Hedejie,

Looking up, he saw a person wearing a fine linen robe and wearing a pure gold belt of Ufa around his waist.

His body is like water and jade, his face is like lightning, his eyes are like torches, his hands and feet are like bright bronze, and his voice is like the voice of a crowd.

Only I, Daniel, saw this vision, and those who were with me did not see it. But they were in great fear, fleeing and hiding,

I am the only one left. I was completely powerless at the sight of this great anomaly, my face pale, and I had no strength.

But I heard his voice, and as soon as I heard it, I fell to the ground and fell asleep.

Suddenly, a hand pressed against me, causing me to lift up slightly with my knees and palms.

He said to me, Daniel, who is greatly loved, understand what I have said to you, just stand up, for I am now sent to you. He said these words to me, and I stood up trembling.

He said, Daniel, do not be afraid. Because from the first day you have been focused on seeking understanding of what will come, and have been tormenting yourself before your God, your words have been answered. I came because of your words.

But the demon king of Persia stopped me for twenty-one days. Suddenly, one of the great rulers, Michael, came to help me, and I stayed with the kings of Persia.

Now I come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the future, because this vision will affect many days to come.

When he said this to me, I turned my face to the ground and remained silent.

Unexpectedly, there was someone like a human who touched my lips. Then I opened my mouth and said to the one standing before me, “My lord, I am greatly distressed and powerless because of this vision.”.

How can my lord’s servant speak to my lord? I feel powerless and lifeless at the sight of a vision.

There is someone in the shape of a person who touches me, giving me strength.

He said, O beloved one, do not be afraid; may you be safe. You must always be strong. He always spoke to me, and I felt empowered. He said, “My lord, please speak, because you have given me strength.”.

He said, do you know why I came to see you? Now I will go back and fight against the demon king of Persia. After I go, the demon king of Greece will come.

But I will tell you what was recorded in the true book. Except for your great ruler Michael, there is no one who has helped me resist these two demons.

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