
The Book of Daniel_Chapter 2

In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, he had a dream and his heart was troubled, unable to sleep.

The king ordered that the sorcerers, magicians, magicians, and Chaldeans be summoned to tell the king of his dreams. They came and stood before the king.

The king said to them, I had a dream and my heart was troubled. You should know what kind of dream it was.

The Chaldeans said to the king in Aramaic language, May the king live forever. Please tell the servant about the dream so that he can explain it.

The king answered the Chaldeans, saying, I have forgotten the dream. If you do not tell me the dream and its interpretation, you will be delayed and your houses will become a pile of dung.

If you tell me the dreams and their explanations, you will receive gifts and rewards from me, and great honor. Now you need to tell me about dreams and their explanations.

They said to the king the second time, “Please tell your servant the dream, and the servant can explain it.”.

The king replied, “I know for sure that you deliberately delayed, because you know that I have forgotten that dream.”.

If you don’t tell me your dreams, there is only one way to treat you. Because you have prepared lies and gibberish to me, waiting for the times to change. Now you must tell me the dream, because I know you can tell me the interpretation of the dream.

The Chaldeans answered before the king, ‘No one in the world can speak the things that the king asks.’. Because no king, minister, or ruler has asked such things to sorcerers, or to those who use magic, or to the Chaldeans.

The matter asked by the king is very difficult. No one can speak before a king except for gods who do not dwell with the world.

Therefore, the king was filled with great anger and ordered the destruction of all the wise men of Babylon.

So the command was issued, and the wise men were about to be killed. They searched for Daniel and his companions to kill them.

Arioch, the captain of the king’s guard, came out to kill the wise men of Babylon, but Daniel answered him politely,

And he said to the captain of the king’s guard, Ario, why is the king’s command so urgent? Ario told Daniel the plot.

Daniel then went in to ask the king for mercy, so that he could tell the king the interpretation of the dream.

Daniel returned to his dwelling place and told his companions Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah about this matter,

Ask them to pray for mercy from the God of heaven, to reveal this mystery, so that Daniel and his companions may not perish together with the other wise men of Babylon.

This mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision, and Daniel praised the God of heaven.

Daniel said, Blessed be the name of God. From ancient times to eternity, for wisdom and power belong to him.

He changed the time, the date, abolished the king, established the king, gave wisdom to the wise, and gave knowledge to the wise.

He reveals profound and secretive things, knows everything in the dark, and the light resides with him.

O God of my ancestors, I thank you and praise you, for you have given me wisdom and talent, granted us what we ask, and made clear to us the king’s affairs.

So Daniel went in to see Ario, who was sent by the king to destroy the wise men of Babylon, and said to him, Do not destroy the wise men of Babylon. Please bring me before the king, and I will tell him the interpretation of the dream.

Arioch quickly brought Daniel before the king and said to him, ‘I have found one among the exiled Jews who is able to tell the king the interpretation of his dream.’.

The king asked Daniel, who was called Bethishazzar, “Can you tell me the dreams I have dreamed and their explanations?”?

Daniel answered before the king, saying, The mystery that the king asked cannot be told by the wise men, those who use magic, magicians, or those who observe signs.

Only one God in heaven can reveal mysteries. He has instructed King Nebuchadnezzar what will happen in the future. Your dream and the vision in your mind while in bed are like this,

King, as you think about the future in bed, the Lord who revealed the mysteries will reveal to you what will come.

As for the revelation of that mystery to me, it was not because my wisdom was superior to all living beings, but to make the king aware of the interpretation of dreams and the longing in his heart.

King, you dream of a great statue that is very tall and shining brightly. It stands before you in a terrifying shape.

The head of this statue is made of pure gold, the chest and arms are made of silver, and the belly and waist are made of bronze,

The legs are made of iron, and the feet are half iron and half mud.

You see, there is a stone that was not chiseled by human hands and hit the feet of this statue, which are half iron and half mud, smashing them to pieces.

So gold, silver, copper, iron, and mud were all smashed together into powder, like the chaff on the summer threshing floor, scattered by the wind and nowhere to be found. The stone that shattered this statue turned into a big mountain, filling the world.

This is the dream. We need to explain that dream in front of the king.

O king, you are the king of all kings. The God of heaven has bestowed upon you the kingdom, authority, power, and honor.

He has delivered into your hands all the beasts of the land where men dwell, and all the birds of the sky, so that you may have control over all of them. You are the golden head.

In the future, a new country will emerge, not inferior to you. There is also a third country, which is made of copper, and it will rule over the world.

The fourth country will be as strong as iron, which can crush and restrain all things, and crush everything. That country will also crush and suppress all nations.

If you see the feet and toes of the statue, half of which are clay from the potter and half of which are iron, then the kingdom will also be divided. Since you see iron mixed with mud, that country will also have the power of iron.

That finger is half iron and half mud, and that country will also be half strong and half weak.

If you see iron mixed with clay, then the people will also be mixed with all kinds of people, but they cannot be together, just as iron cannot be mixed with clay.

When that king reigns, the God of heaven will establish another kingdom that will never be destroyed or returned to the people of another kingdom, but will shatter and destroy all those nations, and this kingdom will endure forever.

If you see a stone carved by non-human hands coming out of the mountain, shattering gold, silver, copper, iron, and mud, then the greatest God will make clear to the king what will come later. This dream must be like this, and this explanation is also true.

At that time, King Nebuchadnezzar fell to the ground, bowed down to Daniel, and ordered that offerings and incense be presented to him.

The king said to Daniel, “Since you are able to reveal this mystery, truly your God is the God of all gods, the Lord of all kings, and the one who reveals mysteries.”.

So the king lifted up Daniel, rewarded him with many excellent gifts, and appointed him as the ruler of the entire province of Babylon. He also appointed him as the Prime Minister and in charge of all the wise men of Babylon.

Daniel sought the king, and the king appointed Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego to manage the affairs of the province of Babylon, but Daniel continued to serve in the court.

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