
Min Shu Ji_Chapter 24

When Balaam saw that the Lord pleased to bless Israel, he did not seek magic like the first two times, but turned his face towards the wilderness.

Balaam lifted his eyes and saw the Israelites living according to their tribes. The spirit of God came upon him,

And he began to recite a poem, saying, Balaam the son of Beor said, The one whose eyes are closed says,

Those who hear the words of God, see the vision of the Almighty, and open their eyes and fall, say,

Jacob, how beautiful your tent is. How magnificent is your tabernacle, O Israel.

Like a continuous valley, like a garden by the river, like the agarwood planted by the Lord, like the cedar by the water.

Water needs to flow out of his bucket. Seeds should be sown in places with plenty of water. His king will surpass Agar. His country needs to be revitalized.

God led him out of Egypt. He seems to have the power of a bison. He will devour enemy countries, break their bones, and shoot through them with arrows.

He crouches like a male lion and lies down like a female lion. Who dares to provoke him? May all who bless you be blessed. May anyone who curses you be cursed.

Balak was angry with Balaam, so he clapped his hands and said to him, “I have called you to curse my enemies, but you have blessed them these three times.”.

Now go back to your local area quickly. I want you to be greatly honored, but the Lord prevents you from being honored.

Balaam said to Balak, “Didn’t I say to the messenger you sent to me?”,

Even if Balak gave me his house full of gold and silver, I would not go beyond the command of the Lord to do good or evil according to my own will. Whatever the Lord says, I will say,

Now I want to go back to my tribe. You come, I’ll tell you how this people will treat your people in the future.

And he began to recite a poem, saying, Balaam the son of Beor said, The one whose eyes are closed says,

Those who hear the words of God, understand the will of the Most High, see the vision of the Almighty, and open their eyes and fall, say,

I see that he is not at the moment. I hope he hasn’t been around recently. A star will come out of Jacob, and a staff will rise up in Israel, breaking the four corners of Moab and destroying the troubled children.

He will take Edom as his inheritance, and Seir, the land of his enemies, as his inheritance. Israel will act bravely.

One from Jacob shall hold great power. He wants to eliminate the remaining people in the city.

Balaam looked at Amalek and began to recite a poem, saying, “Amalek was the head of all the nations, but he will eventually fall.”.

Balaam looked at the Kenites and began to recite a poem, saying, Your dwelling place is strong. Your nest is nestled in a rock cave.

However, Kini will decline until Assyria takes you captive.

Balan resumed his poetry and said, Alas. God does this, who can live,

Someone will come by boat from the border of Gittim, tormenting Assyria and Eber. He will also sink.

So Balaam got up and went back to his hometown. Baler has also returned.

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