
Min Shu Ji_Chapter 9

In the first month of the second year after the Israelites left Egypt, the Lord commanded Moses in the wilderness of Sinai, saying,

The Israelites shall observe the Passover on the designated day,

On the fourteenth day of this month at dusk, you are to observe this festival on the designated day, according to its laws and regulations.

So Moses commanded the Israelites to observe the Passover.

They kept the Passover in the wilderness of Sinai at dusk on the fourteenth day of the first month. All the Israelites did as the Lord commanded Moses.

Several people were unclean due to dead bodies and were unable to observe the Passover on that day. That day they came before Moses and Aaron,

Why are we prevented from offering the offering of the Lord with the Israelites at the appointed time, even though we are unclean because of the dead?

Moses said to them, “Wait for a while, and I will go and hear what the Lord has commanded of you.”.

The Lord said to Moses,

Speak to the Israelites, saying, If any of you or your descendants is unclean due to a dead body, or if they are traveling far away, they will still keep the Passover to the Lord.

They will observe the Passover at dusk on the fourteenth day of the second month. You should eat it with unleavened bread and bitter vegetables, along with the Passover lambs.

Do not leave any until morning. Not a single bone of a lamb should be broken. They shall observe all the laws of the Passover.

If a person who is clean and does not walk refuses to keep the Passover, that person shall be cut off from the people. Because he did not offer the Lord’s offering on the appointed day, he should bear his sin.

If an outsider sojourns among you and is willing to keep the Passover to the Lord, he shall do it according to the laws and regulations of the Passover, whether the sojourner is a native or not, it shall be one law.

On the day when the tabernacle was erected, a cloud covered it, which is the tabernacle of the Testament. From night to morning, clouds lay on it, shaped like fire.

As usual, the clouds cover the tent, and at night it looks like fire.

When the cloud will be lifted up from the tabernacle, the Israelites will set out. Wherever the clouds stopped, the Israelites camped there.

The Israelites set out according to the command of the Lord and camped according to the command of the Lord. For as long as the cloud stops on the tabernacle, they will camp there.

The cloud stayed on the tabernacle for many days, and the Israelites kept the Lord’s command and did not set out.

Sometimes the cloud stays on the tabernacle for a few days, and they will camp according to the Lord’s command, and set out according to the Lord’s command.

Sometimes from night until morning, there is this cloud on the tent. In the morning, when the clouds were collected, they set off. Sometimes day and night the clouds stop on the tabernacle, and when they are collected, they set off.

The cloud stayed on the tabernacle for two days, a month, or a year, and the Israelites stayed in camp and did not set sail. But when the clouds were collected, they set off.

They camped according to the Lord’s command, and set out according to the Lord’s command. They kept all the commands of the Lord, which he gave to Moses.

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