首页 Min Shu Ji Min Shu Ji_Chapter 14

Min Shu Ji_Chapter 14

At present, the whole assembly was shouting loudly. That night, the people all cried. All …

At present, the whole assembly was shouting loudly. That night, the people all cried.

All Israel complained against Moses and Aaron. The whole assembly said to them, If only we had died in the land of Egypt or in this wilderness.

Why did the Lord bring us to that land, causing us to fall by the sword? Our wives and children will be taken captive. Isn’t it good for us to go back to Egypt?

Everyone said to each other, “Why don’t we appoint a leader and go back to Egypt?”.

Moses and Aaron fell down before the entire assembly of Israel.

Among the spies of the earth, Joshua the son of Nun and Caleb the son of Jephunneh tore their clothes,

To the entire Israelite assembly, it is said that the land we have explored and passed through is an extremely beautiful place.

If the Lord delights in us, he will bring us into that land and give it to us. That land was originally a land flowing with milk and honey.

But do not betray the Lord, nor be afraid of the inhabitants of that land. Because they are our food, and those who shelter them have left them. The Lord is with us, do not be afraid of them.

But the whole assembly said to stone and kill the two of them. Suddenly, the glory of the Lord appeared to all Israel in the tabernacle of the meeting.

The Lord said to Moses, “How long will this people despise me?”? How long will they not believe me, even though I have performed all these miracles among them?

I will kill them with a plague, so that they cannot inherit the land, and make your descendants a great nation stronger than them.

Moses said to the Lord, “The Egyptians will hear this.”. Because you have used your great power to bring up this people from among them.

The Egyptians will pass on this matter to the residents of the land of Canaan. The people have heard that you, Lord, are among this people. Because you are seen face-to-face, your clouds stop above them. You walk in front of them by day in the pillar of clouds and by night in the pillar of fire.

Now if you kill this people, as if you kill one person, those nations who hear of your reputation will argue and say,

The Lord killed these people in the wilderness because he could not bring them into the land he swore to them.

Now I pray that the Lord may show me great power, as you have said,

The Lord is not easily angered and has abundant mercy, forgiving sin and wrongdoing. Do not acquit anyone who is guilty, and you will be punished for their sins from the Father and Son until the third and fourth generations.

Please forgive the sins of this people according to your great mercy, as you have always forgiven them from Egypt to this day.

The Lord said, I have forgiven them according to your word.

As I swear by my eternal life, the earth will be filled with my glory.

Although these people saw my glory and the miracles I did in Egypt and the wilderness, they still tested me ten times and did not obey my words,

They will never see the land that I swore to their ancestors. No one who despises me shall see.

But my servant Caleb, because he had another heart and followed me wholeheartedly, I led him into the land he had been to. His descendants will also inherit that land.

The Amalekites and Canaanites are living in the valley. Tomorrow, turn back and head towards the wilderness by the way of the Red Sea.

The Lord said to Moses and Aaron,

How long will I endure the grievances of this evil congregation against me? I have heard all the grievances of the Israelites against me.

Tell them, O Lord, as I live forever, I will deal with you according to the words that come to my ears.

Your corpses will fall in this wilderness, and anyone among you who is numbered and complains against me from twenty years old or above,

You shall not enter the land that I swore to let you dwell in. Only Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun can enter.

But your women and children, who you have said will be taken captive, I will bring them in, and they will know the land that you have despised.

As for you, your corpses will fall in this wilderness.

Your children will wander in the wilderness for forty years, bearing the sin of your fornication until your bodies are destroyed in the wilderness.

According to the forty days of your exploration of the land, one day at a time, you shall bear your sins forty years, and you shall know that I am far from you,

I, the Lord, have said, I will do this to all the wicked assembly that gathers against me. They will be destroyed in this wilderness and die here.

The people sent by Moses to spy out the land returned and reported the evil faith in the land, causing the whole assembly to complain against Moses,

These who avenged evil faith were all plagued and died before the Lord.

Only Joshua, the son of Nun, and Caleb, the son of Jephunneh, survived among them.

Moses told these words to all Israel, and they were greatly saddened.

Get up early in the morning, go up to the mountaintop, and say, We are here, we have sinned. Willing to go up to the place that the Lord has promised.

Moses said, Why do you disobey the commands of the Lord? This matter cannot go smoothly.

Don’t go up. Because the Lord is not among you, I fear you will be defeated by your enemies.

The Amalekites and Canaanites are all before you, and you will fall by the sword. Because you have turned back and not followed the Lord, he will not be with you.

But they dared to go up to the top of the mountain, but the Ark of the Lord and Moses did not go out of the camp.

So the Amalekites and the Canaanites who lived on that mountain came down and struck them, and they repelled them as far as Hormah.


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