首页 Matthew Gospel Matthew Gospel_Chapter 20

Matthew Gospel_Chapter 20

Because the kingdom of heaven is like a homeowner who goes early in the morning to hire so…

Because the kingdom of heaven is like a homeowner who goes early in the morning to hire someone to work in his vineyard.

Agree with the workers for one penny a day and send them into the vineyard.

I went out at the beginning of the sixth lunar month and saw people standing idle in the market.

And he said to them, Go also into the vineyard, and I will give you what is due. They also went in.

And he went out again at noon and in the ninth hour, and did the same.

I went out around the beginning of the year and saw someone standing there. Just ask them, why do you stand here idle all day?

They said, because no one hired us. He said, “You also go into the vineyard.”.

In the evening, the garden owner said to the steward, “Call all the workers to come and pay them wages, from the later ones to the first ones.”.

The people hired around the beginning of the year came, and each received a penny of silver.

When the first hired one arrived, they thought they needed more. Unexpectedly, they each got their own money.

They got it and complained to the homeowner, saying,

We work hard and endure heat all day, and the rest only worked for an hour. Do you even call them the same as us?

The homeowner answered one of them and said, Friend, I will not betray you. You agreed with me, isn’t it one coin of silver?

Take yours and leave. I am willing to give it to you just like I gave it to you later on.

Can’t my things be used according to my wishes? Do you blush because I am a good person?

In this way, those who are behind will be ahead, and those who are ahead will be behind. (There are ancient scrolls here because there are more people called and fewer people chosen)

When Jesus went up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside on the way and said to them,

See, when we go up to Jerusalem, the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and scribes. They want to convict him of death.

And he was handed over to the Gentiles, to be mocked, whipped, and nailed to the cross. On the third day, he will be resurrected.

At that time, the mother of Zebedee’s son came forward with her two sons to worship Jesus and ask him something.

Jesus said, What do you want? She said, May you call these two sons of mine in your country, one sitting on your right and the other on your left.

Jesus replied, “You do not know what you are asking for.”. Can you drink the cup I’m going to drink? They said, we can.

Jesus said, You must drink the cup that I drink. But sitting on my left and right is not something I can give, but it is something my Father has prepared for anyone, and it will be given to anyone.

When the ten disciples heard this, they were angry with their two brothers.

Jesus called them and said, You know that there are kings who rule over the Gentiles, and high officials who exercise power over them.

Just not among you. Whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.

Whoever wishes to be the leader will be your servant.

Just as the Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve. And he must sacrifice his life as a ransom for many.

When they left Jericho, a large number of people followed him,

Two blind men were sitting by the roadside, and when they heard that Jesus had passed by, they shouted out, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on us.”.

Everyone rebuked them and forbade them from speaking. But they shouted even more, saying, Lord, children of David, have mercy on us.

Jesus stood still and called them, saying, What do you want me to do for you.

They said, Lord, let our eyes see.

Jesus showed mercy and touched their eyes. They immediately saw and followed Jesus.


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