
Matthew Gospel_Chapter 13

On that day, Jesus came out of the house and sat by the sea.

Many people gathered at his place, so he had to board the boat and sit down. Everyone stood on the shore.

He used metaphors to explain many things to them, saying, “A sower went out to sow.”.

When scattering, some fell by the roadside, and the birds came and ate them up.

Some fell on the shallow soil and rocky ground. The soil is neither deep nor sprouts the fastest.

When the sun rises, it withers because there are no roots.

Some fell among thorns. The thorns grew and squeezed it.

And there were also those that fell into good soil, and they produced fruit, some a hundred times, some sixty times, and some thirty times.

If you have ears to listen to, you should listen.

The disciples came forward and asked Jesus, “Why do you use metaphors when speaking to everyone?”?

Jesus answered and said, Because the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven are only known to you, not to them.

And if there is, it shall be added to him, so that he may have surplus. Whatever is not, even what he has will be taken away.

So I use metaphors to tell them because they can’t see, hear, or understand.

In them, the prophecy of Isaiah was fulfilled, saying, You hear to hear, but you do not understand. To see is to see, but not to know.

Because these people are blinded by oil, their ears are heavy, and their eyes are closed. Perhaps the eyes will see, the ears will hear, and the heart will understand. If they turn around, I will heal them.

But your eyes are blessed because they see. Your ears are also blessed because they hear.

I tell you the truth, there were many prophets and righteous people who wanted to see what you saw, but they did not see it. I wanted to hear what you heard, but I didn’t hear it.

So listen to this parable of sowing.

Whoever hears the kingdom of heaven and does not understand it, the evil one comes and takes away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was scattered on the roadside.

Those who scatter on the rocky ground are those who hear the word and immediately receive it with joy.

Just because there is no root in the heart, it is only temporary. When one encounters difficulties or persecution for the Way, they immediately fall.

Those who scatter among thorns are those who hear the word, but later have worldly considerations and the deceit of wealth, squeezing the word and making it difficult to bear fruit.

What is sown on good ground is what people hear and understand, and later it bears fruit, some a hundred times, some sixty times, and some thirty times.

Jesus also set a parable to them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a man sowing good seeds in a field.

When the people were sleeping, an enemy came and scattered barnyard grass in the wheat, and they left.

When the seedlings and ears grow, the barnyard grass also appears.

The servant of the farmer came and said to him, Lord, did you not sow good seeds in the field? Where did the barnyard grass come from?

The master said, this was done by the enemy. The servant said, Do you want us to go and pull it up?

The master said, No need, I’m afraid we’ll pull out the weeds and even the wheat.

Let these two grow together, waiting for harvest. When harvesting, I will say to the harvesters, first pull up the barnyard grass, tie it up in bundles, and keep it for burning. Only wheat must be stored in the barn.

He also made a metaphor for them, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed, which someone took and planted in a field.

This was originally the smallest among a hundred. When it grows up, it becomes bigger than all kinds of vegetables and becomes a tree. The birds in the sky came to stay on his branches.

He also told them a parable, saying, The kingdom of heaven is like yeast, which a woman brought and hid in three measures of flour, until the whole lump was leavened.

These are all the words Jesus said to the people in parables. If you don’t use metaphors, don’t say anything to them.

This is to fulfill the words of the prophets: I will speak in parables and invent the things that have been hidden since the creation of the world.

Then Jesus left the crowd and entered the house. His disciples came forward and said, “Please tell us the parable of the barnyard grass in the field.”.

He replied, “The one who sows good seeds is the Son of Man.”.

The field is the world. Good seed is the son of heaven. Barnyard grass is the son of the wicked.

The enemy who sows barnyard grass is the devil. When harvesting, it is the end of the world. The reapers are angels.

Pull out the barnyard grass and burn it with fire. The end of the world must also be like this.

The Son of Man will send messengers to pick out all those who cause people to fall and those who do evil from other nations,

Throw it into the fireplace. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

At that time, the righteous will shine like the sun in their father’s kingdom. If you have ears to listen to, you should listen.

The kingdom of heaven seems to hide treasures in the earth. When people meet, they hide it. Go happily and sell everything and buy this piece of land.

The kingdom of heaven is like buying and selling people, searching for good pearls.

Encountering a precious pearl, I went to sell everything he had and bought it.

The kingdom of heaven is like a net scattered in the sea, gathering all kinds of aquatic creatures.

When the internet was full, people were pulled ashore. Sit down, put the picked items in the utensils, and discard the bad ones.

The end of the world must be like this. The angel will come out and separate the wicked from the righteous,

Throw it into the fireplace. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Jesus said, Have you all understood these words? They said, we understand.

He said that every scholar who is taught to be a disciple of the kingdom of heaven is like a homeowner who takes out old and new things from his treasury.

After Jesus finished speaking these parables, he left there,

When he came to his hometown and taught in the synagogue, even they were amazed and said, Where did this person come from with such wisdom and supernatural powers?

Isn’t this the carpenter’s son? Isn’t his mother named Maria? Isn’t his brothers named Jacob, Josiah, Simon, and Judah?

Aren’t his sisters all here with us? Where did this person have all these things from?

They despised him. Jesus said to them, “There is no prophet who is not respected, except in his own land and family.”.

Jesus did not perform many miracles there because they did not believe.

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