
Matthew Gospel_Chapter 7

Do not judge people, otherwise you will be judged.

For as you judge people, so will you be judged. What kind of measuring instrument will you use to measure others.

Why do you see thorns in your brother’s eyes, but don’t you want beams in your own eyes?

How can you say to your brothers, ‘Let me remove the thorn from your own eye, as there is a beam in your own eyes?’?

You hypocrite, first remove the beam from your own eye, then you can see clearly and remove the thorn from your brother’s eye.

Do not give sacred things to dogs, nor throw your pearls in front of pigs, for they may trample on the pearls and turn around to bite you.

If you pray, it will be given to you. Search, find. Knock on the door and I’ll open it for you.

Because whoever prays receives it. What is sought is found. If you knock, open the door for him.

Who among you has a son who asks for bread and gives him a stone instead?

Begging for fish, but giving him snakes instead?

Although you are not good, yet you know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him?

So no matter what you want people to do to you, do the same to them. Because this is the law and the doctrine of prophets.

You need to enter the narrow door. Because it leads to destruction, the door is wide, the road is wide, and many people enter.

Leading to eternal life, the door is narrow, the road is small, and there are few people who can find it.

Be wary of false prophets. They came to you, dressed in sheepskin outside, but inside they were cruel wolves.

With their fruits, you can recognize them. How can grapes be picked from thorns? How can figs be picked from the thistle?

In this way, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit.

Any tree that does not bear good fruit shall be cut down and thrown into the fire.

So with their fruits, you can recognize them.

Whoever calls me Lord, Lord, cannot all enter the kingdom of heaven. Only those who follow the will of my Heavenly Father can enter.

On that day, many will say to me, Lord, Lord, did we not preach in Your name, drive out demons in Your name, and perform many miracles in Your name?

I will tell them plainly, I have never known you, you evildoers, leave me.

So anyone who hears these words and goes to do them is like a wise man who built a house on a rock.

Rain, water rushing, wind blowing, hitting that house, the house never collapses. Because the foundation stands on a rock.

Anyone who hears my words and refuses to do them is like an ignorant person building a house on sand.

Rain, water rushing, wind blowing, hitting the house, it collapsed. And it collapsed greatly.

After Jesus finished speaking these words, everyone was amazed by his teachings.

Because he taught them like those with authority, not like their scribes.

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