首页 Matthew Gospel Matthew Gospel_Chapter 6

Matthew Gospel_Chapter 6

Be careful not to do good deeds in front of people, intentionally causing them to see them…

Be careful not to do good deeds in front of people, intentionally causing them to see them. If that’s the case, you won’t be able to receive the reward from your Heavenly Father.

So when you give alms, do not blow the trumpet in front of you, just like those who pretend to be good do in the synagogue and on the streets, intending to receive human glory. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward.

When you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing.

Let your alms be done in secret, and your father will see in secret and repay you. (If there is an ancient scroll, I will repay you in the light.)

When you pray, do not be like those who pretend to be good, loving to stand in the synagogue and pray at the crossroads, deliberately to be seen. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward.

When you pray, enter your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. Your Father who is observing in secret will surely repay you.

Do not pray like the Gentiles, using many repetitive words. They thought that if they talked too much, they would be blinded.

You cannot imitate them. Because before you prayed, your Father already knew what you needed.

So when you pray, say this: Our Father in heaven, may all men sanctify your name.

May your kingdom come, may your will be done on earth, as you walk in heaven.

Our daily diet is given to us today.

Forgiving us of our debts is like forgiving a person’s debt.

Do not let us encounter temptation, save us from evil, for the kingdom, power, and glory are all yours forever, Amen. (There are ancient scrolls without the characters’ cause to amen ‘)

You forgive the sins of others, and your Heavenly Father will also forgive your sins.

If you do not forgive anyone’s wrongdoing, your Heavenly Father will not forgive your wrongdoing.

When you fast, do not be like those who pretend to be good, with a sad expression on their faces. Because they made their faces look unsightly and deliberately made people see that they were fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward.

When you fast, you should comb your hair and wash your face,

Do not let anyone see that you are fasting, only let your secret father see. Your father, who is observing in secret, will surely repay you.

Don’t accumulate treasure for yourself on the ground, where insects bite and rust away, and thieves dig holes to steal.

As long as you accumulate treasure in heaven, there will be no insects biting, no rust, and no thieves digging holes to steal.

Because wherever your treasure is, your heart is also there.

The eyes are the lights on the body. If your eyes are bright, your whole body will be bright.

If your eyes are dim, your whole body will be dark. If the light inside you is dark, how great is the darkness.

One person cannot serve two masters. It’s not about loving one thing or valuing one over another. You cannot serve both God and Mammon. (Mamen means wealth and profit)

So I tell you, don’t worry about what you eat or drink for your life. Worry about what to wear for the body. Is life more than food? Isn’t the body better than clothes?

Look at the birds in the sky, they do not sow, do not harvest, and do not store them in the barn. Your Heavenly Father still feeds them. Aren’t you much more valuable than birds?

Which of you can add one more moment to your lifespan with consideration? (Or to add an extra elbow to one’s body size)

Why worry about clothes? How do you think the lilies in the wild grow? They don’t work hard or spin.

But I tell you, even when Solomon was in great glory, he was not dressed as well as this flower.

You little believers, the grass in the wilderness is still here today, and tomorrow it will be thrown into the furnace. God has given it this kind of decoration, let alone you.

So don’t worry, say, what to eat? What to drink? What are you wearing?

This is all what the foreigners are seeking. Your Heavenly Father knows all these things that you need.

You must first seek his kingdom and his righteousness. These things will all be added to you.

So don’t worry about tomorrow. Because tomorrow has its own worries. One day’s difficulties are enough.


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