
Matthew Gospel_Chapter 15

At that time, Pharisees and scribes came to Jesus from Jerusalem and said,

Why do your disciples break the tradition of the ancients? Because they don’t wash their hands during meals.

Jesus answered and said, Why do you break the commandments of God through your heritage?

God said, show filial piety to your parents. And he said, Whoever curses his parents shall be put to death.

But you say, whoever says to their parents, ‘What I am supposed to offer to you has already been offered.’.

He can be unfilial to his parents. This is how you have nullified the commandments of God through your inheritance.

O hypocrites, the prophecy that Isaiah prophesied of you is good. He said,

This people respect me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me.

They treat human commands as teachings, so worshipping me is in vain.

Jesus called the crowd and said to them, “Listen and understand.”.

The entrance cannot defile people, but the exit can defile people.

At that time, his disciples came to him and said, Do you know that the Pharisees heard these words and were not convinced? (Disappointed with the original description of falling)

Jesus replied, “If anything is not planted by my Heavenly Father, it will be uprooted.”.

Let them do it. They are blindly leading the way. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into the pit.

Peter said to Jesus, “Please tell us this parable.”.

Jesus said, Do you not yet understand?

Do you not know that everything that enters the mouth is transported to the stomach and then left in the toilet?

Only what is spoken comes from the heart, and this is what defiles a person.

Because evil thoughts, murder, adultery, adultery, theft, false testimony, slander come from within??.

This is all about filthy people. As for eating without washing hands, it does not pollute people.

Jesus left there and retreated into the territory of Tyre and Sidon.

A Canaanite woman came out of that place and shouted, “Lord, Son of David, have mercy on me.”. My daughter is suffering greatly from being possessed by ghosts.

But Jesus did not answer a word. The disciples came forward and begged him, saying, This woman is shouting behind us. Please send her away.

Jesus said, I was sent, but to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.

The woman came to worship him and said, Lord, help me.

He replied, “It’s not good to take children’s bread and throw it to dogs to eat.”.

The woman said, Lord, it’s good. But the dog also eats the crumbs that fall off its owner’s table.

Jesus said, Woman, your faith is great. As you requested, I’ll fulfill it for you. Since then, her daughter has recovered.

Jesus left the place and came to the seaside near Galilee. He went up the mountain and sat down.

Many people came to him with the lame, blind, mute, disabled, and many other patients, all placed at his feet. He cured them.

Even everyone was amazed. Because they saw the mute speaking, the disabled recovering, the lame walking, and the blind seeing, they glorified the God of Israel.

Jesus called his disciples and said, “I have mercy on these people, because they have been with me for three days and have not eaten anything.”. I don’t want to ask them to go back hungry, I’m afraid they’ll feel tired on the way.

And his disciples said, Where do we have so many loaves in this wilderness to satisfy these many?

Jesus said, How many cakes do you have? They said there are seven and a few small fish.

He ordered everyone to sit on the ground.

Take these seven cakes and a few fish, give thanks, break them apart, and hand them to the disciples. The disciples handed it to the crowd again.

Everyone ate and was full. Pack up the remaining fragments and fill seven baskets.

There were four thousand people who ate, except for women and children.

Jesus dispersed the crowd and boarded the ship, arriving at the border of Magadan.

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