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Matthew Gospel_Chapter 25

At that time, the kingdom of heaven was like ten virgins holding lamps and going out to we…

At that time, the kingdom of heaven was like ten virgins holding lamps and going out to welcome the groom.

Five of them are foolish. Five are smart.

Foolishly holding a lamp, but not preparing oil.

The clever one took the lamp and prepared oil in the vessel.

When the groom delayed, they all dozed off and fell asleep.

Someone shouted in the middle of the night, “The groom is here, come out and welcome him.”.

Those virgins all got up to tidy up the lights.

The foolish said to the clever, please share some oil with us. Because our lights are going out.

The clever answer is, I’m afraid it won’t be enough for you and me. Why don’t you go to the oil seller and buy it yourself.

When they went to buy, the groom arrived. Those who are ready, go in with him and sit at the table. The door closed.

The other virgins also came and said, Lord, Lord, open the door for us.

But he answered, Truly I tell you, I do not know you.

So be vigilant, for you do not know that day or hour.

The kingdom of heaven is like a person who wants to go to a foreign country and calls his servants to hand over his family business to them.

Give them silver according to their abilities. One gave five thousand, one gave two thousand, and one gave one thousand. I went abroad.

The one who received five thousand immediately went to do business and earned another five thousand.

The one who received two thousand also earned another two thousand.

But the one who received a thousand went and dug up the ground, burying his master’s silver.

After a long time, the masters of those servants came to settle accounts with them.

The one who received five thousand silver brought the other five thousand and said, Lord, give me five thousand silver. Look, I have earned another five thousand.

The master said, Good, you good and loyal servant. You have loyalty in a few things, and I will assign you to manage many things. You can come in and enjoy the happiness of your master.

And the one who received two thousand also said, Lord, give me two thousand silver, and see, I have earned another two thousand.

The master said, Good, you good and loyal servant. You have loyalty in a few things, and I will assign you to manage many things. You can come in and enjoy the happiness of your master.

The one who received a thousand also said, Lord, I know that you are a patient person. Harvest where you have not sown, and gather where you have not scattered.

I’m afraid, go bury your thousand silver coins in the ground. Please see, your original silver is here.

The master replied, “You wicked and lazy servant, you know that I will harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered.”.

Just like giving my silver to the person who exchanges it, when I come, I can recover it with interest.

Take this one thousand from him and give it to the one with ten thousand.

For if there is, it will be added to him, so that he has surplus. Nothing, even what he has, must be taken away.

Throw this useless servant into the darkness outside. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

When the Son of Man comes with all the angels in his glory, he shall sit on the throne of his glory.

All the people will gather before him. He wants to separate them, like a shepherd separating sheep and goats.

Place the sheep on the right and the goat on the left.

So the king will say to those on the right, ‘You who have been blessed by my father, come and inherit the kingdom that has been prepared for you since the creation of the world.’.

Because I’m hungry, you give me food. I’m thirsty, give me a drink. I am on a guest trip, please stay with me.

I am naked, please dress me up. I’m sick, please take care of me. I am in prison, come and see me.

The righteous replied, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and giving you food or thirsty and giving you water?”?

When will I see you as a guest to stay, or naked to wear for you?

When did I see you sick or in prison to come and see you?

The king will answer, “Truly, I tell you, since you have done these things to one of the least among my brothers, you have done them to me.”.

And the king shall say to those on the left, Depart from me, you cursed, and enter into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his messengers.

Because I’m hungry, you won’t give me food. I’m thirsty, you won’t give me a drink.

I’m on a guest trip, you won’t keep me here. I’m naked, you won’t wear it for me. I’m sick, I’m in prison, you don’t come to see me.

They will also answer, Lord, when have we seen you hungry, thirsty, a stranger, naked, sick, or in prison, and not serving you?

The king will answer, Truly I tell you, if you do not do these things to one of the least among my brothers, then you will not do them to me.

These people are going to eternal punishment. Those righteous people are going towards eternal life.


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