Joshua_Chapter 24

Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel in Shechem and call...

Joshua_Chapter 22

At that time, Joshua summoned the Reubenites, Gadites, and t...

Joshua_Chapter 23

The Lord has made the Israelites quiet and will not fight ag...

Joshua_Chapter 21

At that time, the heads of the Levites came to Eleazar the p...

Joshua_Chapter 20

The Lord spoke to Joshua, saying, Command the Israelites, &#...

Joshua_Chapter 18

All the congregation of Israel gathered in Shiloh and set up...

Joshua_Chapter 19

The second lot was cast for the tribe of Simeon according to...

Joshua_Chapter 17

Manasseh was Joseph’s eldest son, and the land that hi...

Joshua_Chapter 15

The land that the tribe of Judah obtained by casting lots ac...

Joshua_Chapter 16

The land that Joseph’s descendants obtained by lot was...