首页 Exodus Exodus_Chapter 35

Exodus_Chapter 35

Moses gathered all the congregation of Israel and said to them, This is the word that the …

Moses gathered all the congregation of Israel and said to them, This is the word that the Lord has commanded you to do according to it,

Six days of work shall be done, and the seventh day shall be a holy day: it shall be a Sabbath holy day to the Lord. Anyone who works on this day will be put to death.

On the Sabbath, do not light a fire in all your dwellings.

Moses said to the whole assembly of Israel, This is what the Lord has commanded:,

Bring a gift from among you to the Lord, and anyone who is willing to offer it may bring the Lord’s gift, which is gold, silver, and bronze,

Blue, purple, vermilion thread, fine linen, goat wool,

Red dyed ram skin, seal skin, soapwood,

Oil for lighting, and spices for making ointment and fragrance,

Red agate and other gemstones can be set on the ephod and breastplate.

All you who have wisdom in your hearts shall come and do all that the Lord has commanded you,

It is the tabernacle and its tent, as well as its cover, hooks, boards, bars, pillars, and its sockets,

The ark and its poles, the grace seat and the veil that covers the ark,

The table, its poles, all its utensils, and the display cakes,

Lamp stands and their utensils, lamps and the oil used to light them,

The altar of incense and its poles, the anointing oil and fragrant spices, and the curtain at the entrance of the tabernacle,

The altar of burnt offering and its bronze mesh, its poles and all its utensils, the washbasin and its base,

The curtains and pillars of the courtyard, the sockets and the door curtains of the courtyard,

The stakes of the tabernacle, the stakes of the courtyard, and the ropes in these two places,

The ceremonial attire of the priest Aaron and his son used for the priesthood in the holy place.

The entire Israelite assembly retreated from before Moses.

Everyone who feels satisfied and willingly brings the gift of the Lord, which will be used for the tabernacle and all its uses, as well as for the holy garments.

Anyone who is willing to offer a gift in their heart, both male and female, will bring gold objects, including brooches, earrings, printed rings, and bracelets, to the Lord.

Bring all those who have blue, purple, vermilion thread, fine linen, goat hair, dyed red ram skin, and fur of sea dogs,

All those who offer silver and copper as gifts to the Lord have brought them, and all those who have soapwood for any purpose have also brought them.

All women with wisdom in their hearts spin with their own hands, bringing the blue, purple, vermilion thread and fine linen they spin.

Every wise woman who feels in her heart spins goat wool.

The officials brought red agate and other precious stones that could be set on the ephod and breastplate,

And he took spices for incense, and oil for lighting the lamp, and made ointment.

All Israelites, male and female, who willingly offer gifts to the Lord, bring the gifts and do all the work that the Lord has commanded through Moses.

Moses said to the Israelites, “Among the tribes of Judah, the Lord has called Bezalel the son of Uri, the son of Hur, by his name.”,

And he filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him wisdom, understanding, and knowledge to do all kinds of work,

Can come up with clever craftsmanship, using gold, silver, and copper to make various objects,

Can also carve gemstones, inlay, carve wood, and perform all kinds of skilled work.

The Lord also made him, along with Aholiab son of Ahisamach from the tribe of Dan, wise in heart and able to teach.

The Lord has filled their hearts with wisdom and ability to do all kinds of work, whether it be carving, crafting, using blue, purple, and vermilion thread, fine linen, embroidery, or crafting. They are all able to do and come up with exquisite works.


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